Where are the Treasures of Ballerina Matilda Kshesin


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The hidden treasures of Kshesin's enthusiasts-search engines have already wanted to find certainly for more than a century. Matilda was close to the emperor Nikolai second, he was a familiar and other members of the royal family, flirting with Sergey and Andrey Mikhailovichi; Behind the last, even married, becoming printed. Received gifts from crowded persons, I saved something on a black day. Yes, and on the stage is not a task advocated!

But the revolution happened: in the summer of 1917, Kshesinskaya from Petrograd "Rvanula" to the south of Russia, and from Kislovodsk came to Novorossiysk: from there I had already left abroad. But without jewelry! And she had many golden things. One of them - a comb of very pure gold was assessed in 2 million rubles. It was an artifact found by the expedition in the ancient tomb and removed from the skeleton. The thing was called "hyperborean". The comb presented Kshesin Prince Andrei Mikhailovich, bought a thing from the museum.

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After the flight Matilda in her mansion hosted the Bolsheviks. They took everything valuable. The remaining housekeeper of the ballerina only showed the places of "spicy" where the jewels were. The requisites searched the mansion up to the opening of the floors and digging the pits in the basement. It went to the Bolsheviks a little jewelry, Kshesinskaya somewhere hid the main part of them. There was a conversation that under the mansion died with nine-meter depth of the mine, and 40 boxes with precious ballerinas are lowered into it. Became the Bolshevik and rummaged in the basement.

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In early March of that 1917, Kshesinsky lived on friends apartments. Mansion arrested by a new power; Hopefully will be returned. Not returned! And the Kollondtai causingly wore Matilda's mountainous mannosta. Kshesin began to sue the Petrograd Committee. The Bolsheviks then settled her mansion of a scooter battalion. I had no Solono Bread Petrograd actress leave. She left the cottage in the approach of 10 hectares. Here there is where it was to burrow the treasures! Matilda in the summer of 1917 buried there by the Doggy of his dog in the presence of Prince Sergei Mikhailovich and his soldiers. And then left south.

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If the treasures hid in a dog grave, Sergey Mikhailovich knew about it and could dig up the jewelry. But the prince was soon arrested and executed the Bolsheviks in July 1918 - it happened in the Urals, no values ​​at the grandson of Nikolai first were not. Now the prince is rehabilitated and became even a novice for the ROC. And Kshesinskaya abroad at that time talked to all that only the return to Russia would make it rich.

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Modestly living, but having had a villa in the CAP-D`ai emigrant Matilda, probably, something left in Petrograd valuable. In 1929 he began to earn, opening a ballet studio in Paris.

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Lived for a long time - almost a hundred years; He was buried in the Russian cemetery in the capital of France. Her cottage in Strelna was dismantled in 1956 today at the place of the Consular Village - the village for foreigners who come to Russia.

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