10 spiritual films that warm in the autumn weekend


10 spiritual films that warm in the autumn weekend 40739_1

Even the most avid extrovert in the soul a little introvert, which sometimes I want to just sit at home, wrapped in a warm plaid with a cup of fragrant tea and see some interesting movie. In this collection, light films are collected, with which you can laugh, and think about it, and just relax - so, sit down and enjoy the delights of the cinema.

1. Pretty to the whole head (2018)

To some extent a brought scenario, where the dugushka is reincarnated into a stunning beauty just through a happy occasion. That's just, unlike most film, the heroine of this film does not change externally, but her usual life turned 180 degrees. With all its banality, this film carries a valuable message - as soon as you love yourself, the world will immediately answer you with reciprocity.

2. Dog life (2017)

A very unusual, spiritual picture of how the soul of the dog is reborn again and again in the four-legged friend of different breeds, in different parts of the world, but at the same time the dog finds his calling in serving people. For dog lovers, this film may be a real gift.

3. I'm losing weight (2018)

Domestic cinema hit this selection. "I'm losing weight" - a cute comedy, in which you will not find vulgarity and dirty jokes. The film shows the problem that many girls around the world are puzzled - the fight against overweight.

Once Zhenya fell in love with a slender Anya, but now the girl launched herself, scored overweight and does not consider it a problem. To preserve relations with a guy, Anna will have to not only put their appearance in order, but also to deal with all his surroundings, with its inner world and bring order in your heart.

An interesting fact - for the filming of this film, the main character intentionally scored 20 kg of excess weight, and then lost weight again to continue the shooting. For the first time in the history of cinema, the actress was pulled and humidly inside the plot.

4. Madame (2017)

The aristocratic family is awaiting guests to a zwanted dinner, but here the superstitious mistress suddenly notices that there are thirteen devices on the table. A superstitious woman does not remain another way out, as to ask her maid to participate in a joint meal, pretending to be a rich lady. During dinner, a popular collector falls in the pseudo-monistant in love, and now it will be not so easy to hide the truth.

This film cannot be attributed to the number of youth meloders, but still he is very kind, a little funny and philosophical.

5. Mad Wedding (2014)

The French comedies have always differed the subtlety of humor, shares of sarcasm and irony. Central film heroes - French married couple with four daughters. After the three daughters became the wives of the Jew, the Chinese and Arab, the father was very glad that the youngest daughter chose himself into the husband of the Frenchman, and even Catholic. And everything would be fine, if it were not for one "but", about which the daughter did not dare to immediately say about his groom ...

6. Marygold Hotel: Best of Exotic (2011)

Despite the fact that the average age of the actors here is 68 years old, it is impossible to be called a film for old people. The plot of the film tells about the group of older people who decided to go to the cheap Indian hotel to quietly meet old age. That's just contrary to their expectations, they still have to dream about peace. Upon arrival at the place of rest, it was refused that the hotel was far from the one they saw in an advertising booklet, and instead of a pleasant relaxing holiday of settlers, exciting adventures are waiting.

This warm film makes it possible to understand that even at sunset life can be very interesting and beautiful. It is also worth saying that the plot films is quite original, and the game of actors is unlikely.

7. Gifted (2017)

The usual look Girl Mary has a congenital gift to the study of mathematics. Despite his young age, she excellently considers big numbers in the head, extracts the root, but at the same time absolutely does not understand how to be friends with his peers. Before the death of the sister, who became a guardian of Frank gives her a promise that the girl would have the most common life. But this was not destined to come true - the power grandmother Evelyn intervened in the case, who has a special relationship with his son and there is a view of the situation.

8. Sky hunting (2016)

Ricky Baker, like most of its peers not differ in characteristicness of character. The social service found a guy of new adoptive parents who live in remote forests of New Zealand. Woman, let him not immediately, but still has a foster son to himself, but her husband, it seems, is not very rejoicing to the sucking chad. The intense situation in the house is becoming even stronger when the receiving mom unexpectedly dies. The guy does not want to leave again in the orphanage, and does not find anything better how to escape into the forest. And the new father has no other way out, how to go on his search.

9. In front of the class (2008)

This soulful film is based on real events, and after viewing it, it becomes very warm. The film tells about a guy who has turrette syndrome, but very dreams to be a teacher. This film can be undoubtedly attributed to a number of motivating, it can be safely recommended for viewing those who managed to be disappointed in life, tired, but it does not forget to dream.

10. Buddes Kisses (2018)

Lee and El appeared in the world in one maternity hospital, and from early childhood they are inseparable. But El in love with her elder brother Lee, whom she somehow met the kisses in the booth, and the novel was twisted between them. He is a sympathetic-hooligan, and she is a naive good girl, so it does not realize at all than this novel may end for her relationship with Lee.

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