Why does a woman suffer violence in relationships?


    Why does a woman suffer violence in relationships? 40734_1
    Quite often we come across the situation when everything seemed to begin well. Relationships were like a fairy tale, romance and all that. But the transition to a new level happened, and suddenly a woman from his beloved creation, which was worn in her arms, becomes a victim of a person who loves. We are talking about such a terrible thing as tyranny in relationships.

    It can be both physical and moral violence. Moreover, both of these manifestations are unclear what is never clear why it started and what happened. But the algorithm for the development of such situations is usually similar. Woman tolerates. Why? Is it to blame for something? Not at all. As a rule, just a woman is not to blame. On the contrary, exactly the faithful and loyal women are most often exposed to such a ratio, who in every way try to save this union.

    Why so, because if violence appeared in the relationship, it does not promise anything good? Definitely yes. There will be nothing good from such relationships, because they will be based on fear. But why then women endure, they do not understand this? And here everything is very difficult from a psychological point of view, and that is why.

    The woman is prone to two things: blame themselves and look for justification for a partner. Whatever paradoxically, but, in most cases, if a man applies strength and morally suppresses a partner, then she sincerely believes that herself provokes him to conflict. This may be caused by different things. Here the atmosphere of the family, in which a woman was brought up. And to learn relatives that a man is always right. And just clean love and hope that she will understand and correct their mistake and will not happen again.

    But, no matter how terrible, in the overwhelming majority - will repeat. Because a similar attitude towards a woman is not a single phenomenon, but the system.

    A person believes that it should be so. But they still met, he was completely different? Yes, most likely, just like this. \

    But then why did he changed so much? The question is ambiguous. But psychology tells us that this is a separate category of people who, when entering into relations, are married, begin to consider partner with their property. Therefore, any objection, whether it is even the usual question "When will you come back today?" Will be perceived in the bayonets as non-disabilities. Therefore, the diagnosis of such relationships is disappointing - they have no possibility of a happy future.

    What is a woman? It will hope to hope that everything will go and will be, as before. And she herself can hardly be helped in this situation. Here you need support for loved ones who will be able to pull it out of this closed circle and give her time and support so that she realize that her guilt is not in what is happening and that it is a pathology that cannot be tolerated. Because beats - does not mean that he loves. Whatever he was not told and no matter how promised to correct. Alas, statistics on this topic are disappointing. Take care of yourself and look for our friends' relationships and loved ones to be close if it takes.

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