What happens to the body, if you get tied with alcohol for a month


    What happens to the body, if you get tied with alcohol for a month 40731_1
    Several thousand of the British staged themselves "sober October" framework in support of the fight against oncological diseases, which Macmillan Cancer Support launched. The organizers promise participants to collect money for a useful case, healthy sleep, less snoring and more energy.

    Not so long ago, everyone was confident that alcohol in small volumes would not only harm, but even useful. But the latest studies of scientists have denied this theory. Scientists argue that the safe dose of alcohol simply does not exist: the risk is the greater, the more the person drinks alcohol.

    "Another man"

    The event organizers divided the participants into two groups: some continued to drink alcohol in ordinary doses, while others stopped drinking in principle. Before the start of the experiment and after it, everyone passed a complete medical examination, which included verification of blood pressure and liver.

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    It turned out that those who did not drink alcohol during the month decreased the mass of the body and the share of fat in the liver, and also improved attention and quality of sleep. Especially the effect was noticeable in those who drank more than 6 glasses of wine a week.

    One of the participants told: "After four weeks I felt like another person. I now almost do not drink at all, I feel amazingly, as if I was inhaled with a new life. I continue to lose weight, and I just like how I feel. Now I can not carry the smell of alcohol! "

    Long-term effects

    The researchers team decided to check whether the participants of the experiment could save the achieved indicators when they start drinking again. Therefore, after three weeks, the tests were repeated.

    It turned out that there is a clear difference between those that before the experiment he drank no more than 6 glasses of wine a week, and between those who drank regularly and a lot. The first returned to the same dose, and the second began to drink less than 70%.

    What happens to the body, if you get tied with alcohol for a month 40731_3

    And although some people participated in the study, our results show that the reduction in alcohol consumption improves the health indicators that we measured.

    The fact that the volunteers who drank more norms seriously reduced their alcohol consumption, shows that even temporary abstinence helps people soberly look at their attitude towards alcohol and revise it.

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