10 prehistoric fossils that were still discovered by ancient

10 prehistoric fossils that were still discovered by ancient 40727_1

The first dice of dinosaurs were found at all scientists. They were discovered thousands of years ago by people who do not understand what they see. Ancient people stumbled upon fossils by chance (just as it happens today). Some saw femured bones with an adult man or ribs wide with a building. Several records have been preserved, thanks to which modern scientists can understand how similar finds perceived in ancient times.

1. Battle field of giants

"Previously there were people, - wrote Greek historian Solin 1800 years ago. - between the gods and giants was carried out the battle. " For Solina, this was not a myth. He knew that the giants once wandered around the ground, because he had seen their bones. He wrote about the city called Pallen, where, according to Greek mythology, Hercules destroyed the tribe of the giants.

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According to the statements of Solina, each time it was raining, the huge bones of the body with a body were shown from the ground. For most of the history of Solina, they considered fudge. But in 1994, in a place where Plenn was once located, a rural resident discovered something that, in his opinion, was a giant tooth. After that, paleontological excavations began on the site of the ancient city, during which the remains of ancient mastodonts were found. Given that the Greeks did not know about the existence of Mastodontov, they assumed that they found the remains of huge people.

2. Water monsters of fruitless lands

The Indian tribe of Lakota believed that the fruitless lands of southern Dakota were once an epic battle between water, thunder and lightning. The spirits of the water were giant monsters, known as UCNTEH, and they fought against the flocks of thunder-called birds, called Vakinyan, who destroyed all this place. Vakinyan burned forests, boiled the sea and did not leave anything but the scorched land. The only thing that remains, in the opinion of the nation of Lakota, is the bones of dead monsters, still lying on shragm covered.

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These bones are really in the fruitless lands of southern Dakota. After years, Paleontologists have discovered that this area is an incredible source of dinosaurs remains. There they found the bones of marine reptiles, called mosazazes, and flying reptiles, called Pterosaurs, who died about 100 million years ago. It is believed that the legend of Lakota arose when people found the remains of what was actually monsters of water and air, living in the area, which was once an ancient sea.

3. Cyclic Universe Xenophane

Not all fossils were mistaken for mythological creatures. Some people in the ancient world tried to apply to an unknown "scientific approach." When the Greek philosopher Xenofan discovered petrified seashells on the mountain, he did more logical, considering that it was really the remnants of mollusks. These fossils, according to Xenofan, were evidence that the mountains where they were found, once were under water, many thousands of years ago.

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It was still in the sixth century BC, and Xenofan was completely right. But he made his conclusions a little earlier than modern scientists. He believed that the whole earth was once covered with water, and the person came out of this initial mucus. It seems that this opinion is not so different from the modern understanding of the world. But the philosopher also insisted that this is repeated cyclically. Xenofan stated that over time the world will plunge into the sea again, and the person will return to the dirt. And then he will again come out of it, and the ever repeated cycle of human history will begin again.

4. Stone chakras Vishnu

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In the village of Shalarama, there were many petrified seashells during the centuries. However, people who found them came to a completely different conclusion about what it is. They believed that these were chakras of a four-rod god Vishnu. In the Hindu Vera Vishnu wore a stone disk in one of his hands, called Sudarshan Chakra. These shells, as the people believed, were the remnants of the chakras Vishnu, broken as a result of the Demon's curse. Ancient Hindus for centuries considered these maritime shells with sacred objects.

5. Fields of the Dragon Bones

Chinese travelers were once afraid to appear in the Deserts of Wednesday. They believed that the demons and dragons once reigned on these lands, and the remnants of the past battles in the form of white bones of the dragons still settle these fields. The people of Mednov experienced a special fear of bone fields, but it was not the only place that was eliminated by dragon bones.

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The Chinese believed that they could be found across the country. In "and Jing" or "Book of Changes", a farmer was described, found on his Dragon's bone field and considered them a "good omen." In the second century BC, one of the channels was called the "Waterway Dragon", because at this place was found by the Dragon bones. " The historian Adrienne Meyor believes that these legends have occurred since the times when farmers dug out massive bones of extinct animals, and she has good reasons for it. For example, in 1919, the bones of dragons were exhibited in China, some of which were still preserved. When they were investigated, it turned out that these are bones of extinct species of horses and deer.

6. Pelopa shovel

Ancient Greek Fisherman once threw his network into the sea and found something unexpected. It was a long, thin, white bone, much more than everything he saw before. Frightened a little, the fisherman took the bone to Oracle, who told him that this is a depressure of the demigod. He argued that this is the bone of Pelopa, the son of Tantalla and the grandson of Zeus, who, presumably, was a blade from an elephant beavna.

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According to legend, Pelop was killed during the Trojan war. When the Greeks brought his body home, the ship fell into a strong storm, and the body of the pelop washed into the water. The bone was exhibited in the temple of Artemis, and the fisherman and his family began to be considered blessed gods and appointed the "official guardians of Pelopa." Since the bone disappeared in 150 AD, today you can only assume what they found in the sea. Scientists believe that it most likely was a wave of mammoth polished for millennia under water.

7. Bones Anteya

Two thousand years ago, Tingis People (Modern Tangier in Morocco) insisted that their city was built next to the grave of the giant named Antei. He allegedly built his city and lived among people for many years, until herakl was killed. The Romans considered it superstitious nonsense, and when the Roman commander Quint Sertori was in Tingis, he decided to prove that the locals are mistaken. He was taken to the grave hill of the giant, which people of the center immediately began to dig.

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To the surprise of the commander, underground found a gigantic skeleton of a man with a height of 26 meters. The sector was forced to admit that it was the grave of the legendary personality. Although it is already unknown that thousands of years ago, this kurgan is a famous excavation site for Pliocene-Miocene fossils, where they found the remains of Mammoths, whales and giant ancestors.

8. Black dice set

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Between 1300 and 1200 before our era, the ancient Egyptians found at least 3 tons of fossils. They found the bones of huge, extinct breeds of hippos, crocodiles, boars, horses, antelope, buffaloes and many other animals. Today it is known only that all fossils were black. When the Egyptians found them, they must have thought that fossils had some attitude to the gods, so they took them to the temple of Seth, God of Darkness and Chaos. So the alleged remains of God or his minions of the set lay in the rocky tomb, wrapped in exilets, more than 3,000 years, where they were found in 1922.

9. Mythical cemeteries Mahabharata

One of the main Hindu legends is a story about Mahabharata, an epic battle between heroes, gods and monsters. There are different versions of this story, some of which are described millions of soldiers, hundreds of thousands of elephants, horses and chariots on each side. After the battle, thousands of dead bodies remained to rot on the battlefield, to which even gods joined. Shiva, Krishna and Rama entered the battle, which has reached the climax in the epic battle between the giant named Bhymasen and the supernaturally powerful person named Duryodhan.

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According to the legend, Bhimasna ripped to Dryodhan in his head, from the limb to the limb, before, finally, was struck by a lightning strike from the sky. Historian Alexander Van der Gier believes that this story may have its roots in ancient minerals. The hills of the Silon, where the legendary battle was conducted, is a place where two different types of ancient fossils are found. Firstly, these are giant turtles, styphons, saber-toothed tigers and four horned giraffes who died there millions of years ago. Coincidence, in this place is also full of bronze copies left after this battle, which thousands of years ago boil here. Van der Gier believes that the ancient Indians found the remains of the old weapons side by side with the bones of unimaginable monsters, therefore, a similar legend originated.

10. "Notes on the Strong Dreams" Shen Co.

When Shen Co., a Chinese scientist, who lived in the XI century AD, studied the ancient fossils, he did not consider them the remains of any mythological or magical beings. Shen Ko came up with other explanations, which were ahead of his time for almost 1000 years. In his book, "Notes on the Street of the Dreams", the scientist argued that the modern landscape was formed for millions of years through mountain erosion, as well as deposition of il.

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Partly his argument was caused by the fact that petrified shells were found in Tahan Mountains in hundreds of kilometers from the ocean. Based on these finds and erosion of the mountains, he argued that the mountains moved thousands of years (in fact, this is a modern idea of ​​movement of tectonic plates). Based on the petrified bamboo, which he discovered in North China, the scientist argued that the world had undergone significant climate change. According to Shen Co., Bamboo could grow only if North China was once a place with a much warmer climate (again, today it is known that this is true). Western world did not perceive the ideas of Shen Ko to the XIX century, i.e, almost 1000 years old.

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