Federico Garcia Lorca and Salvador Dali: Weird Love


    Federico Garcia Lorca and Salvador Dali: Weird Love 40723_1
    This love is unlikely to be called the unfortunate and unrequited, however, we will not call mutual e either. The poet loved the artist, and the artist treated him as a good friend. And so far one burned out of passion, another passionately removed his portraits on the canvases. Here is such a strange love ...

    Federico Garcia Lorca and Salvador Dali: Weird Love 40723_2

    In the summer of 1924, Federico Garcia Lorca, by that time the poet already already known, Salvador's family stayed in his friend's family was given in Cadaques. There he met the younger sister Dali, Alna Maria. "I have not seen her beautiful girls," wrote Lorca to his parents. Ana Maria fell in love with him at first glance, but Frederico did not respond to her feelings of reciprocity. Lorca has long been and hopelessly in love with Dali - the poet never cleaned his orientation. Salvator appreciated endlessly and loved Lorck, but his love was Platonic. Lorca was a favorite model of the artist. At all surreal paintings, the Federico face is present at all.

    Their relationship spoiled when Lorca began to actively seek his friend. Dali decides to go to Paris - Mecca artists, he knows that from there his way to success will begin. Lorca himself was seriously worried. His letters gave full repentance: "I now understand that I am losing, moving away from you ... I led myself with you, like a stupid donkey, is with you, with my best friend! With each minute I see it is inclemented and experiencing real repentance. But from this my tenderness to you only increases ... ".

    Federico Garcia Lorca and Salvador Dali: Weird Love 40723_3

    They broke up, but their correspondence continued, it was obvious how these two personalities are needed to each other.

    Federico Garcia Lorca was shot by the Spanish fascists in the summer of 1936. He could not forgive his support for the left forces and ... orientation. When I led him to the execution, beat and called Maricon ...

    Salvator gave hard to move the death of a friend. It is well known that his last words before the death were "my friend of Lorci ..." correspondence of the two great geniuses of the twentieth century was preserved in perfect and repeatedly reprinted.

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