How to avoid wrinkles and edema and look perfect after 40


How to avoid wrinkles and edema and look perfect after 40 40720_1
One poet said that a woman like wine, with age only better. That's just the older woman, the more actively she needs to follow his appearance to keep her appeal as longer. Skin care after 40 requires compliance with some rules that we will talk about today and tell.

Anti-aging cosmetics

Before buying care cosmetics, you must pay attention to its composition, and remember that the ingredients are in the list are in descending order. The basis of any cream includes active ingredients, which can be collagen, natural oils, hyaloran acid and numerous vitamins. If the active ingredient is located closer to the end of the composition - the sense of such a fund will not.

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In anti-aging cosmetics, the presence of Shea oil, which perfectly nourishes the skin, magnesium (normalizes blood circulation and improves the complexion of the face), argan oils (contribute to smoothing wrinkles), Elastin and CyclohexiSiloxane (silicone, which gives smooth skin).

Without moisturizing nowhere

There are signs of age-related changes faster on dry skin, so it is necessary to moisturize the dermis. One of the most beautiful humidifiers is Urea Pura. This urea, which can penetrate the deep layers of skin and fill it with moisture. Therefore, buying cream for daily use, it is better to take a remedy with this component in the composition. A good humidification effect also gives a salt of hyaloweric acid, which in the composition is indicated as Sodium Hyaluronate.

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Some manufacturers are added to the cream propylene glycol and glycerin, assuring consumers in the fact that it is humidifiers. However, it does not correspond to reality. Glycerin provokes dehydration of the skin, and propylene glycol is a product of oil refining and it is better to avoid in cosmetics, because Because of it, irritation may occur, dryness and feeling of depths, which leads to the formation of wrinkles. It is necessary to wash the right

Water water, due to its rigidity, is generally not suitable for washing, but for ages, all the more. To make water softer, you need to boil, and then dissolve a small spoon of soda in it. Alternatively, for washes, you can use mineral water that will fit the skin type. To pick up a mineral water, you need to consult with a beautician.

Special attention to the skin around the eyes

For removal of makeup, two-phase tonic, milk and fat lotions should be applied. Caring for thin skin in this area should be carried out exclusively by special means with an appropriate mark. In no case can not be applied by ordinary cream.

Getting rid of edema in the morning

How to avoid wrinkles and edema and look perfect after 40 40720_4

You can remove the morning swelling with cotton disks moistened in tonic where there are lymphatic and soothing components. They need to be left under the eyes literally for a couple of minutes. For such purposes, you can purchase special masks with a moisturizing effect, as well as hydrogel patches.

Do not forget about the neck and neckline

The skin in these places is also vulnerable to age-related changes, therefore, as well as the face, it is necessary to care for them. Simply apply special anti-aging creams to these zones with an appropriate mark.

Proper application of cosmetics

In order for the skin during the application of the cream not stretched, it should be distributed exclusively on massage lines, which are located from the center to the periphery. I don't need to rub cream too - enough swallowing movements with pillows of fingers so that the cream has absorbed.

Pigmentation prevention

With age, the skin becomes prone to the formation of pigmentation from the effects of sun rays. To this not happen, you need to use cosmetics with SPF protection. Even if there is no sun outside the window, the UV rays are still present, so it is necessary to apply such creams even in cloudy weather and in winter. When the sun is baked outside the window, you need to wear high-quality sunglasses, because From the squinting very quickly arise goose paws.

Good cosmetologist - your skin friend

If you have never been at the cosmetologist - now it's time to contact him. Find a good specialist, reading feedback about his work, because the cosmetologist will be able to provide your skin with decent care and choose the perfect cosmetics that will work. It is better to pay a cosmetologist than to descend money on raw cream, which, at best, simply do not give effect. In addition, the specialist can get rid of the existing problems with the skin.

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