10 oldest works of art in kind


10 oldest works of art in kind 40713_1
Art is one of the defining features of humanity, and when creating art uses a whole set of skills that are unique to Homo Sapiens: template recognition, visual and motor coordination, opposed thumbs and planning ability. Art, including paintings, stories and music, was used by prehistoric people long before the invention of the letter, and since then each culture has developed its own versions of art. But in each species of art, there was always something first that everything began.

1. First cartoon (1908)

Cartoon roots can be traced until the 1650s with magic lamps of that time. In the 1800s, this genre began to develop due to the emergence of devices for creating optical illusions, such as Taumatridge, Zootrope and a kinograph. Then, when the film was invented, in some films inserted a few seconds of animation among real frames. The first fully animated film (cartoon) was created only in 1908 by the French caricaturist Emil Kolham and it was called "Fantasmagoria". In general, since I used 700 shots, and it took him a few weeks to complete the cartoon. "Fantasmagoria" lasts about 80 seconds and does not have a certain storyline. It begins with his arms who painted the main character, and then this character passes through various fabulous adventures that are constantly turning into other bizarre scenes.

2. First feature film (1903)

The technology that subsequently led to the emergence of movies, began to develop in the 1880s, and the first films were essentially documentary. For example, the two most famous from the early films were a tape showing the arrival of the train to the station, and a 18-second video with kissing people. In addition, due to the restrictions of the technology, early films, as a rule, lasted less than a minute and usually showed only one scene.

Film, which changed all this, becoming the first artistic film with the plot, was a story, "a big train robbery." A 12-minute film, which was removed by Thomas Edison and director Edwin Porter, tells the story of four gangsters who rob a passenger train, and then during the chase permanent and shootouts die.

"Large robbery" produced a revolution in the film industry for several reasons. It was the first time a lot of different technologies were used. It was also the first fighter and western.

3. First comic (1827)

Today, everyone got used to comics about superheroes, but the world's first comic has had nothing to do with them. It is believed that these were the "adventures of Obadia Oldbak" on 40 pages with 6-12 drawings on each, created by the Swiss artist Rudolph Toler in 1827. There were no "clouds" with the words flying out of the mouths of the characters, the text was written below the figure.

The comic is told the story of Obadia Oldbak, who fell in love with a very complete woman, who subsequently lost weight. He is trying to achieve all the truths and inconsistencies to make its Passia returned for forms. Critics at the time, and even the very well, did not believe that the work would be innovative. They just thought that it would be a "fiction" for children and illiterate people "lower classes".

4. First photo (1826)

With the advent of digital cameras, photos have become an integral part of life. In 2013, 250 billion pictures were uploaded to Facebook, and every day was added 350 million new photos. And this is just one social network, how many of them are there. The popularity of photos can be traced to the Frenchman of the Nispes Nispex and its inventions, cameras-obscuras.

The problem with the obscura camera was that there were eight hours of exposure to fix the image, and usually the image then gradually disappeared over time. One of the few preserved in the world's first photo is "a view from the window in Le Gra, taken by Nieps in 1826.

5. Theatrical Piece (472 BC)

It is believed that the plays were developed by the ancient Greeks, and at first they showed only one character, which was called the protagonist. The actor who has always been a man stood in front of a group of people called "choir", and the choir asked the protagonist questions to develop the plot.

The first was the famous Greek playwright Eschil in the second character's play. He is also the author of the oldest preserved full play "Persians", which was first fulfilled in 472 BC. In this tragedy there are four characters, and she tells the story of an Athos, Mother of Kerks, which is waiting for the return of His Son from his campaign to Greece. The main theme of the play is that even the most powerful states can be destroyed due to aggression.

6. The oldest book (600 BC)

The oldest multi-page book consists of six connected pages made of 24-carat gold and bonded rings. The book was found more than 70 years ago in the cave near the River Struma in the south-west of Bulgaria. It contains illustrations and symbols of such things such as rider, soldiers, lira and mermaid.

The book, dating from 600 BC, was created by Etrusca, which are considered one of the most mysterious ancient peoples of Europe. It is believed that they migrated from Lydia (modern Turkey) and settled in North and Central Italy about 3000 years ago. Unfortunately, many of the recordings of Etruscans were destroyed by the Romans who won them in the fourth century to our era. In total, 30 such gold plates were found around the world, but neither of them are not connected together as the Golden Book of Etruscans.

7. The oldest preserved poem (2100 BC)

Although the poems today are most often associated with love and romance, they were first used to tell stories. The oldest preserved poems, which is also the oldest literary work, is the "Epos Hilgamesh" of the ancient Suchmers. The poem written on 12 stone signs (which were not completely survived), describes the former ruler of Sumer, who ruled the city of Uruk in Mesopotamia. Although it is believed that Hilgamesh was a real person, the story about him, written on the signs, is a fictional.

In the poem, Hilgamesh is described as a demigod, a great builder, a warrior and a sage. He fights with a savage named Enkid, who lived among animals and was created by God. Hilgamesh wins, and they become friends, and then both worried a number of crazy adventures, such as murder of magical bull and survival in huge flood.

In 2011, Suleyimania Museum in Kurdistan acquired 60-70 tablets from smugglers, among whom they found another 20 lines of the world's most ancient poem.

8. The oldest preserved song (3400 BC)

Music has always been part of everyday life for many people, because she has an amazing ability to excite a wide range of emotions in man.

It is believed that people invented music as a way to unite people in the community, which was incredibly important in early groups of hunters and collectors. The sense of community with tribesmen was important because everyone needed to work in a team to survive.

Before the invention of writing, most of the songs were transferred orally, so most of the early music was lost. The oldest fragment of the song was found in the early 1950s in Ugarite, Syria. He was written on the clay charrite sign, which disappeared by the end of the second millennium to the Outside Era.

9. The oldest preserved sculpture (33,000 - 38,000 G. BC)

In 2008, in the south-west of Germany, archaeologists found the oldest sculpture in the world, which, according to various estimates from 35,000 to 40,000 years. The statue named by Venus from the Welsh, the size of the finger and carved from the Mammoth's beavna.

Figurine is made in the form of a body of a hypertrophied woman; She has no hands, legs and heads, but it is easy to consider very big breasts, buttocks and genitals. Today it is already unknown to the purpose of this sculpture. Some argue that it is a representation of fertility and reproduction, while others believe that this is a symbol of health and longevity. But, while people do not invent the time the car and will not learn to speak the language of Orignak culture, probably no one knows that actually meant the sculpture or for which it was used.

10. The oldest preserved picture (37,000 - 39,000 g. BC)

It is believed that people first appeared in Africa about 200,000 years ago. About 50,000 years ago, they migrated to the territory of modern Australia, while stopping on the island of Sulawesi (Indonesia), where the most ancient cave drawings were found. Today, with the help of modern methods based on the collapse of uranium, the age of substance that covered the drawings for thousands of years was tested. This is a mineral of calcite, which is formed when water flow through the limestone in the cave. The results of the study showed that some of the paintings of at least 39,000 years.

The most ancient rock paintings are stencils of hands. The artists created them by putting their hands on the roof or on the wall of the cave, and spraying over the dye, leaving the contour of the hand.

Another picture found in the cave, dated 35,400, depicts a babirus animal. Perhaps this is the oldest famous figurative drawing in the world.

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