Climt and Schiele: Artists who shook Europe


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Gustav Klimt and Egon Shile - two titans from the world of Vienna art, two friends, painting which was the cause of a major scandal, thundered to all of Europe.

At first glance, little unites Gustav Clima and Egon Shile. Climt was a real sensualist, depicting the Elite of Vienna in gold-plated clothes, and sewed, which was almost three decades of his younger, was an egoist whose perverted images of the human body shocked the audience and led to constant scandals. And yet, two men became friends, deciding to follow their own artistic vision, no matter what society thought about their art. And they were inseparable until the epidemic of the influenza of 1918 did not claim the lives of both.

Once, Klimt decided that with him quite academic painting. Disappointed in the numerous limitations of Künstlerhaus, the Society of Viennese Artists, he and a number of other painters separated to form an artistic movement, known as Vienna Special Council.

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The new vision of the world of Clima, which essentially became a clear evidence of the confrontation of Kunstlerhaus and the Setsiaon, was set out in the work of Nuda Veritas in 1899: "A naked woman holds the mirror of the truth, and the snake lies lies the dead at her feet. Over this whole gold letters written by the quotation of the German playwright Schiller: "If you cannot please all your affairs and your art, please some. It is bad to please many.

But the University of Vienna has not yet suspected that Clima has changed the vision of the world, and provided him in 1894 to create 3 paintings to decorate the current ceiling. It was supposed to be allegorical paintings "Philosophy", "Medicine" and "Jurisprudence".

"The university wanted the holiday of Enlightenment and Science," explains Ditard Leopold, the curator of the Leopold Museum in Vienna, who is spent this year a number of exhibitions of Climt's works, Shile and their contemporaries. Therefore, it is not surprising that conservative scholars came terror when they saw the naked figures and the sleepy head of the Moon, which Klimt chose to illustrate philosophy. Within a few days, 87 university members said public protest and appealed to the Ministry of Education with a request to cancel the order.

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Another scandal occurred when Klimt presented a picture of "Medicine", on which the wriggling nude woman was depicted. Its external genital organs were perfectly visible, so the artist accused of pornography, causing the police. The scandal went to parliament, where the question of culture was raised for the first time.

In 1902, Klimt replied to his lubers a picture "Golden Fish", at which a woman brazenly demonstrates his audience ass. It is said that the artist initially wanted to call the picture "My critics".

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As a result, the authorities decided to put pictures in the gallery, and not at the ceiling of the university. Climt was furious and insisted that the paintings remain in their original place. The requirement was rejected, and the furious artist had to withdraw from the meeting room by police.

Unfortunately, these paintings were destroyed by the receding forces of the SS in 1945, and all that remains is blurred black and white photos.

Since then, Climt has never taken for public orders again. He began writing landscapes and portraits, including portraits of nobility that would provide him with glory.

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In subsequent works, Klimt hinted on the dim reality, which lies under the outer gilding, meaning the world of adultery and prostitution, in which people indulge their needs, while publicly condemning women providing them with such services. Even his famous "kiss" is not at all what it seems first. "If you look carefully, the human neck is very ugly, and it depicts him standing vertically penis. The person is the personification of sexual needs, but externally, it seems to the personification of sensuality and something beautiful.

Climt has found support in its uncompromising attitude to the world in the face of the young slate, with whom he met in 1907, when he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts (and considered academic discipline too dull).

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Sewer, which was a gifted artist, revealed his talent back in young years, sketching his portrait of his younger sister in nude, to the horror of the parents. His undisputed talent noticed Klimt, taking a young man under his wing, giving him models and inviting him to participate in the 1909 Kunstschau exhibition, although four pictures were sewn (which were similar to the work of Clima himself) remained unnoticed at the exhibition.

In an effort to new means of expression, Schiele turned to his body for inspiration in unprecedented in the art history. In his first naked self portrait of 1907, based on the notorious female figure of "Medicine" Clima, he depicted himself helpless and fragile, isolated from the rest of humanity.

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His stylistic experiments quickly developed, but exhausted, distorted figures, which wrote awesome, were not very popular in Vienna.

A disappointed reaction to his work, she ran from the Vienna bohemian life into a small town of Cesky Krumlov, where Valley Neycil was escorted, the former model of Clima. The couple immediately became popular in the city, and the youth came to the "Vienna Bohemia" every day. Shell used it as an opportunity to use new young bodies as models, which he was fascinated. But the gossip went through the town, and when she was slated as she drew a naked girl in the garden, he was forced to leave Cesky-Krumlov.

But a new scandal began in Neulengbach when a young girl escaped from the house and searched asylum at Egon Lock and Valley Necil. This provoked the father of the girl to blame shile in the abduction. When the police came to the house, they confiscated watercolor, where the most accumulated from the house was depicted nude, as well as 125 other works. After the interrogation, the coile was charged with the abduction of minor and incitement to debauchery. In court, the accusation in the abduction was removed, but the watercolor led to imprisonment for three days on the last charge.

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The prison sentence, apparently, became a turning point for a sewer, which never had written teenage nude. Interested Climt introduced him to customers who provided young new work as a portraitist. War and marriage with a more socially acceptable EDIT HARMS accelerated his maturity.

After the war, Egon Shile dreamed of a new society in which artists could help restore the destroyed world around them. An unfinished work of 1918 called "Friends" marked the artistic fraternity that he hoped to create. On it, Klimt and Schiele sat at the table along with six other artists.

Climt's death in February 1918 broke these dreams. The devastated sewed was invited to organize the exhibition "Special Spring" exhibition, for which he redid "Friends", leaving the place of Clima at the table empty. This picture was used as a poster at the exhibition.

When his patron he died, and his new works reached unprecedented success, Shile was propheted the role of the largest and most significant artist in Austria, but in just eight months later she died of influenza.

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