Maria Andreeva - Beauty-actress, who loved the industrialist frost and the writer Gorky


    Maria Andreeva - Beauty-actress, who loved the industrialist frost and the writer Gorky 40703_1
    A rustic man with long hair, huge sizes with crumbs and duck nose - it would seem, well, who can like it. But the eyes ... these are blue eyes, near which even blue sky flicker. Only the gaze of Maxim Gorky was enough to get the first Moscow beauty under his spells

    When the actress Maria Andreeva met Maxim Gorky, who became the main love of her life, she was already a mature woman. By that time, she had an unsuccessful marriage by her shoulders, and even behind her stretched fans and lovers, among whom was, by the way, Sava Morozov himself. Industrialist and patter Putal Putal to her just crazy love, and it is a systematic and silent finances from him for a good deed - not for themselves, but on the art theater.

    Maria Andreeva - Beauty-actress, who loved the industrialist frost and the writer Gorky 40703_2

    And they rummed that frosts of the hand imposed not at all because the disappointment came in the ideals of the revolution, and because of her, because of Andreyeva, which he was tired and who threw him.

    But how to condemn it! Maria fell in love. And Maxim Gorky could not resist its unearthly charm. So they lived in a civil marriage - after all, he, and she officially was not free, and, besides, everyone had two children.

    Maria Andreeva - Beauty-actress, who loved the industrialist frost and the writer Gorky 40703_3

    Maria divorce did not give her husband, Alexey Maximovich - a wife. However, such a sinful connection in the revolutionary medium was not considered. And Maria became a fiery revolutionary, infected from the Gorky communist ideals. Together they lived 20 years. Andreeva abandoned his, very successful, theatrical career, followed Bitter everywhere and helped him in all endeavors. But Gorky entered her as if she was at her time with her rich lover Morozov.

    Alexey Maksimovich left Andreva to a young girl - to Maria Budberg, which the roots of Chukovsky led him as a secretary. Justice for the sake of saying that even before that Maxim Gorky Andreva changed. It is known that the Capri had a connection with a certain lady who gave him a daughter.

    Maria Andreeva - Beauty-actress, who loved the industrialist frost and the writer Gorky 40703_4

    Anyway, the place of Maria Andreva in the house of Gorky occupied Maria Budber. But she is loyalty to the spouse, apparently, did not plan. After some time, Gorky caught her in a very spicy situation with Herbert Wells - a famous writer at that time he was located. Andreeva did not marry anymore. She returned to the theater and devoted himself to party work.

    When Maxim Gorky died, his coffin had three main women in his life - Ekaterina Peshkov, Maria Andreeva and Maria Budberg.

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