5 little-known facts about aging, knowledge of which will help preserve youth


5 little-known facts about aging, knowledge of which will help preserve youth 40702_1
It seems that we already know much, but still there are quite common opinions on aging, about the methods of struggle with this natural process, which often simply do not correspond to reality.

Youth injections are addictive

So it is arranged in nature that with age, the skin ceases to produce in sufficient quantity, which leads to a helper of the skin, loss of elasticity and the emergence of wrinkles. Most cosmetic anti-aging procedures are aimed at delaying aging and restore the processes in the skin. However, dependence on these procedures occurs purely in a psychological plan, because the results after them sometimes are so amazing that they do not want to miss them, and as soon as the effect begins to fall, the woman is in a rush on a repeated session.

In fact, if you stop rejuvenating procedures, then natural aging will not soon reach the state that it would be if these procedures were not done at all.

Cream with Haloweric Acid can replace beauty injections

The anti-aging cosmetics is very often involved in this magic acid and collagen. Such creams and serum are designed to improve the appearance of the dermis, but only due to the deduction of moisture in surface layers of the skin. Unfortunately, hyaloweric acid molecules and collagen are too large in order to penetrate deeply and change the condition of the skin.

But injections with these components contribute to the better effect - thanks to injections, the collagen update is rapidly. But it is not necessary to hurry and throw out jars with creams - the constant use of such cosmetics over time will visually improve the appearance of the skin and will help longer support the effect of other cosmetic procedures.

Botox is needed after 30 years

In fact, there is no clear age from which one could recommend everyone to the Botox procedure - everything looks individually. If a woman actively uses facial expressions, then beauty injections can be spelled out before. But with the help of botulinum, it is possible to fight not only with age-related changes, but also with advanced pores, and with abundant sweating, and other troubles.

Age pigmentation occurs after 50

People over 50 years old can often be seen on the skin pigmentation. This is due to the long exposure to the sun, it works, so to speak, the accumulative effect. But the same can be found in a younger age, for example, 25-year-olds, if there is an excessive love for staying in the sun. The sun rays destructively affect collagen in the skin, they destroy its fibers, which leads to premature aging. To prevent this, you need to regularly use creams with UV protection, even if cloudy weather on the street.

Regular cosmetic procedures will be saved from wrinkles

Unfortunately, only impossible to influence the procedures to the condition of the skin and extend the youth. Whatever expensive and high-quality care cosmetics, what first-class not there would be to rejuvenate procedures, everything can spoil addiction to products with a high glycemic index (for example, pasta, potatoes, white bread). Thanks to such a food, collagen fibers prematurely lose their properties, which leads to a savory of skin and wriggles. And this is not to mention that many women simply love to sunbathe, which adversely affects the appearance and youth of the dermis.

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