7 best anti-aging skin products


7 best anti-aging skin products 40701_1

Each woman wants smooth and shining skin, and what she eats can bring it to this difficult goal. Although there is no magic food that will cope with wrinkles, the main advice is simple.

- It is necessary to choose products that are rich in nutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, solid grains, nuts, fish and protein without impurities;

- use a variety of products to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals;

- Think not only about food. Sleep, exercise and sunscreen are still very important, no matter what to eat.

All this will help look and feel younger. So, what should be add to your diet.

1 Oats.

Nutritionists recommend complex carbohydrates, such as Oats, because they have a low glycemic index. This means that they do not increase blood sugar levels, and such products include refined bread, rice and pasta. It is known that products with a high glycemic index cause acne and wrinkles. The oats also have a natural vegetable chemical that helps prevent damage to skin cells and soothes its irritation.

You can also try: other whole grains, such as rubbing wheat, barley, brown rice.

2 oranges

They are bellped with water, so they moisturize your skin and cells. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps produce collagen, and this, in turn, helps maintain skin elasticity. In general, any vegetables and fruits with their abundance of nutrients are well suited for those who want to take care of their health.

You can also try: pink grapefruits, tomatoes, parsley.

3 avocado

In Avocado, a full "healthy" variety of mono-saturated fats, which help the skin remain moistened. The same healthy fats can also help the body to assimilate some vitamins and nutrients in which skin needs.

It is worth trying to replace the fatty refueling for salads and mayonnaise on avocado. It provides a unique fragrance and texture.

You can also try: olive oil, walnuts, macadamia oil.

4 Last beef

Lean beef is a great way to get a high-quality protein that helps produce collagen. In the process of cooking beef, it is necessary to turn it often. After all, if you cook beef "to a crispy crust" at a very high temperature, then this will create chemicals that eliminate all the anti-aging properties of beef.

You can also try: eggs, chicken, tofu, beans, fish.

5 Brussels Cabbage

This is an excellent source useful for skin vitamins A and C, as well as folic acid. Vitamin C contributes to the development of collagen, and vitamin A and folic acid (although you should not forget the sunscreen) can help prevent damage to the skin from the sun. If someone does not particularly like the Brussels cabbage, he can try to fry it with a small amount of olive oil.

You can also try: cabbage, greens, broccoli cabbage, cauliflower.

6 salmon

This fish is one of the best ways to get useful omega-3 fats. Some studies have shown that omega-3 may interfere with the growth and spread of skin cancer cells. It is worth striving to use at least two 85-gram portions of fish every week.

You can also try: flax seeds and chia, walnuts, sardines, sardines, enriched milk, eggs.

7 grapes

Resveratrol, which is in the peel of grapes, counteracts inflammation. Many people think that it slows down the aging process, plus it can fight the effects of skin damage to ultraviolet. But still you need to use sunscreen.

You can also try: peanuts, cocoa powder.

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