Metamorphosis Angels Merkel: from Komsomolski from GDR to German Chancellor


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Frau Merkel is known all over the world. This is the first woman-chancellor of Germany. And while the only thing in this post. Known with its stringent statements and actions towards Russia. And, on the contrary, a great loyalty to all sorts of immigrants. But, oddly enough, before Merkel confessed completely different principles. You can say directly opposite.

What influenced her worldview and made so drastically change the point of view? On the opposite way? Let's try to figure out, looking into the biography of Frau Chancellor.

Parents, childhood and school years

The future star of German politics was born in 1954. In the city of Hamburg, to the union of Germany, this part was related to Germany. And, as not everyone knows, Angela Dorothea did not occur from German, but from the Polish family. Grandfather, grandmother, father and mother Angels were Poles. And the real surname of her father was KazMrychak.

Grandfather served in the first world in the German army, fought. Later he participated in wars with Russia and Poland.

In the 1930s, the Father redoned his Polish surname to the German Lad - Casner. Almost immediately after the birth of angels, parents left with her to the territory of the GDR. There, the father first entered the pastor service. And then worked in the religious center. Mother taught languages, English and Latin.

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Pastor Kasner referred to the part of the Protestant Church of Germany, which was loyal to the ruling party of the SEPG. The church supported a party policy against religious organizations. Apparently, thanks to such loyalty, the Kasner family was allowed to visit the countries of the West. So an angel from childhood was in a somewhat privileged position.

Youth, study and start work

According to her classmates, the young angel among the peers did not stand out. Is that studying, she studied very well, especially in physics and mathematics. And she gladly studied Russian and even won the Olympics in the Russian language.

In the GDR at that time, there was a massive children's organization. Analogue is the same in the USSR. It was called the Telman Pioneer Organization. Naturally, Angela was in her ranks. Later she joined the German analogue of Komsomol.

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In those days, a member of the Union of Youth was mandatory for further career. But to be an active member and to keep social work - after all, it is not necessary. And an angel was an activist. What does the Communist and Socialist ideas say that during his youth fully separated. Or already in my youth was double?

Being an active community, Merkel visited the Soviet Union. And in Donetsk, she passed the practice and taught Russian, it seemed even in the mine descended. What recalled during his visit to Kiev in 2014. Then the young angel was not Russophob, did not consider Russia an enemy. Or, then, did she have other glances?

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Nevertheless, in his youth, no opposition activities of the Angel Dorothea did not do. Rather. On the contrary. Having finished school with honors, entered the university, at the Faculty of Physics. There successfully combined his studies, personal and social life.

It was during study that she married a student and became Frau Merkel. The marriage quickly broke up, but the name of Angel left himself.

After the successful end of the university, Merkel defended her thesis. And then got a job at the Institute of Physical Chemistry. There also successfully combined work with active public activities.

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Frau Merkel was not an ordinary member of the youth union, on the contrary, was an activist. And not just a community for cultural work (as it was elegantly called their activities later), and worked in the Union district. And she was doing nothing more than campaigning and propaganda. Full political activity. Interestingly, for what such ideas did she then agitated and what social system propagated? However, it is so known, these were the ideas of the left. Apparently, at that time Frau Merkel was quite sincere, and then changed the eyes exactly to the opposite. Employed metamorphosis.

Start of political activity

In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. And it became the beginning of huge public changes. Merkel went into political life. The first experiments with democratic parties were unsuccessful. And then she joined XDS. Very unexpected for everyone.

For a woman-polished policy born in the GDR and not very knewing capitalist realities, to make a career in such a party was almost an unprospective occupation. But the angel undertook to take care of the party leader Helmut himself. She was even called the girl Kolya, although the "girl" was already 37 years old.

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Since brought it to a big policy, gave a post in his ministry, connection and much more. In response, Merkel "thanked" his mentor, having embarked on him with criticism when a scandal had a scandal about illegal financial transactions. As a result, in 2000, a woman became the chairman in the history of XDS for the first time. Naturally, it was Frau Merkel.

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Gradually, the party under her leadership lost its own, distinctive features. She stopped being conservative. Strictly speaking, this is a completely different party. Under other leadership.

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