Favorite pets are dedicated to: a dog house with a green roof and a fan


    Favorite pets are dedicated to: a dog house with a green roof and a fan 40693_1
    If someone thinks that only cat carriers are bored for accessories for their favorite pets, we hurry you to assure that dog owners also seek to give their favorite pets the best. A dog house with a green roof and a fan on the solar battery is one of the latest new products.

    Favorite pets are dedicated to: a dog house with a green roof and a fan 40693_2

    Green design affected all aspects of the modern world, and now even their favorite pets can play their role in creating a sustainable lifestyle. Studio Schicketanz California has developed a stable dog for dogs made of environmentally friendly materials that can boast some incredible functions. In a wooden dog "Cottage", there is a green "carpet", which leads to a green roof. The motion sensor is installed on top, which includes a water tap and irrigation system.

    Favorite pets are dedicated to: a dog house with a green roof and a fan 40693_3

    Architects created a house for dogs both functional and sustainable. His design was inspired by the desire of the company to unite the "landscape, architecture and design of the interior, especially paying attention to the landscape and convenience of dog."

    Favorite pets are dedicated to: a dog house with a green roof and a fan 40693_4

    Basically, the dog "house" is a traditional "box" with a slightly inclined roof. Inside a breakfast for a pet is equipped with a built-in drainage shelf for easy cleaning. In addition, there is a fan on solar panels, which will maintain the perfect temperature within the day. What is interesting, the dog does not even need to get out of the booth to see if there are strangers in the courtyard, because on all sides of the booth there are tiny windows. On the outside there is a hidden compartment in which you can store toys and food for pets, as well as additional accessories.

    Favorite pets are dedicated to: a dog house with a green roof and a fan 40693_5

    Green indoor ramp leads to a green roof, which was integrated into the design so as to encourage the dog to enjoy the fresh air in comfort. Also in terms of comfort, it is worth highlighting a roof crane with the help of a motion sensor, which will allow you to irrigate fresh grass on the roof and drink a pet. To reduce water losses, this drinking fountain is connected to an irrigation system.

    Favorite pets are dedicated to: a dog house with a green roof and a fan 40693_6

    Eco-friendly housing for the dog will be exhibited at the Carmel Canine Cottages contest from September 11 to September 15. After that, the eco-friendly booth will be sold from the auction, and all funds will go to the Society for the prevention of animal abuse.

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