Woman for 40: how not to put a cross on a personal life


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After 40 years, women tend to overestimate their personal life. Married and unmarried, with children and without, consisting in free relationships and free from any relationship. Most smart, beautiful, self-sufficient forty-haired women put a cross on themselves and on their personal life, trying to self-care in career, motherhood, charity and in many other areas, which is radically wrong.

What prevents women for 40 to be happy in his personal life?

  • Prejudice.
  • Fears and complexes.
  • High expectations.
  • Lack of time.

How to deal with them

The idea that others can condemn the presence / lack of personal life should not attend your light head. Only you decide - with whom when and where to meet. If you listen to someone else's opinion, soon you will learn to hear yourself. The fears of being rejected, abandoned, the paused do not allow you to reveal and trust another person.

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Due to children's complexes and adult injuries, you always expect pain, without hoping to be happy in a relationship. It is difficult to get out of such a state. If you can refer to a specialist, use it. If not - listen to affirmations, get rid of complexes with free webinars, increase self-esteem. Do all that in your power!

Young princes disassembled, just worthy men remained.

Give them a chance to take care of you and, perhaps you will find their small flaws even with nice. Do not waste time on empty and rude personalities, but always give a chance to those who, by some criteria, there was no casting on the applicant of your hand and heart. A man is slightly lower than the growth, not so requested as you wanted, with a little interesting hobby for you, it can be a good husband and father for your children. The search for the perfect partner is a meaningless and unproductive process. There are no ideal men, as well as women.

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You think that you are too busy, and you have no time to arrange a personal life. But if you do not find the time to take up your personal life, is it so necessary for you? Do you want a relationship? If your honest answer is "no", get rid of complexes and prejudice and stop complaining about the lack of personal life. It is not karma or coincidence. This is your conscious choice - you just comfortably be alone.

How to arrange your personal life: a few tips

Look at the surrounding: maybe the pretty colleague, which so insistently invites you to the cinema for half a year, and there is a long-awaited prince?

Be socially active. Sign up in popular social networks, update information, place a beautiful fresh photo. Look for interesting groups and look at interlocutors. Maybe your man among them?

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Register on multiple dating sites. Indicate the criteria important for you and sift at all who are not suitable. Let you have a lot of dates and meetings. Perhaps one of them will end with Walsa Mendelssohn.

Do not sit at home. If you have a financial opportunity to travel - be sure to use it. Now a huge number of men and women of different ages are looking for travelers through various sites and applications. If you do not find a husband, you will definitely meet interesting personalities, and there will be so much impressions that there will be no time to be sad. If there is no financial opportunity to ride on expensive resorts, go to exhibitions and master classes, attend the lessons of dancing or riding. Buy a bike and learn the most beautiful corners of your city.

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Sign up in the gym. Most men after 40 begin to care for themselves. Take the example from them. Of course, there is no guarantee that it is in the gym that you will meet a man of your dreams, but just increase your chances, improving the figure, external attractiveness and enhancing self-esteem.

Smile! Do not say in vain: "This attracts the like". Want a positive, wise partner with an excellent sense of humor, be open to the world, people, new knowledge and experience.

Let's summarize

If you are in the relationship that you are generally satisfied, but I would like to change something, - act. Talk with a partner, with your own example, show him how you would like to build a relationship, tactfully, but persistently defend your point of view.

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If you are in the relationship that you do not fully suit you, it's time to finish them. The unworthy partner pulls you to the bottom, destroys you as a person, does not allow you to build relationships with a person who will appreciate you and respect.

If you are alone, but it does not suit you, make efforts to change the situation.

Do not place a cross because of age, weight or any other reasons. In the world, hundreds of men who are suitable you are.

Love yourself, accept the way you are, develop, move forward, look for classes in the shower and ways to implement, expand the circle of friends and friends, look for like-minded people. Perhaps one of them will become more than a friend or a person close in spirit. Never lower your hands! Your contribution to yourself and your development is the most correct investment.

If you are alone, but happy, stay in this state as longer as possible. Take care of him by growing my self-relief. Remember that you must be happy and the age of this is not a hindrance.

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