Instructions for men: how to punish a woman correctly if she behaves badly


Instructions for men: how to punish a woman correctly if she behaves badly 40679_1

After the note about the way to punish a man, our readers are interested in how to punish a woman. Well, first, we recommend using Google. If you disable the "Children's Filter" and enter a search query "How to punish my wife" or "How to punish a woman", you can spend a fascinating lonely evening with photos and video instructions, after which it may not want to punish anyone.

If it did not help, then in essence, nothing will help. First, because men tend to do not think like women. A woman can take offense on any minor trifle and keep her in his head for a very long time to get revenge with pleasure. The man is easier to immediately push and forget. Woman adjusts male behavior from the first minute of living together, she does not choose a man, she chooses the dream of an ideal man and sculpts "from what was." This means that it will use a complex system of rewards and punishments to work out positive conditional reflexes - flowers there, coffee in bed, do not marvel the territory of the wear under linen. A man tends to humble with his own choice and the absurd behavior of his life companion reacts with a heavy sigh. But nevertheless, if the situation goes to a dead end, there is a simple principle of punishment of women, more precisely, the correction of female behavior. He is called "Fear of His desires."

Flowers every day

All girls say that it is better to give a rose every day than 365 roses once a year. OK. Forget about wholesale discounts and proceed. During the month every day, give her a small rose. It does not matter that she loves chamomile: we are men, we carry out instructions. After a week all vases in the house will be occupied. Ten days later she honors something. By the end of the month, all the dishes will be occupied, including beer mugs (sigh), high glasses, tea cups and even a porcelain teapot. Roses will stand on all surfaces, including a washing machine and writing desk. Cute will inevitably load, and between the attacks of these "microorganisms" will begin to stop you. Here it is necessary to make innocent round eyes and say: Well, you love flowers?


"Dear, our disposal, I miss romance," she says, implying that right now you will rent a hotel on the first beach line on Mauritius and buy tickets. Well, what is it romance? You call the old friends, you get from the closet then the storms with a symbolism of the construction engineer, and you go hiking with tents. What could be romantic? The main thing is not to forget to take Vovan with the guitar of the Leningrad furniture factory with him, and that Bordovian songs sang hoarse penetrated voice. "My dear, Forest Sun". At this time, we must put a cute hand on the knee and look into the eyes. We guarantee: All this time, sweet will think that she has no harvests that the last time she was afraid that today her mosquitoes in places that are awkward, and that tomorrow she will again have a backpack again. Very light (we are gentlemen!), No more than 17 kg. If, after that, she will not cease to talk about romance, we recommend going to the expedition. Archaeological girls, by the way, argue that it is very helpful, the chest grows and strengthened. Romance!

Daily sex

"You do not want me at all! Why are you all the time sluggish? When was the last time we made love, "she tells you? And here, you, of course, want to mild in the righteous anger. Because you have a new project at work, she also has everything difficult and hurts a head, a new season has come out of some homeland, and it turns out that you are to blame. Stop! Sex is cool and nice, from the daily dose of endorphins you will feel better to feel, this is an excellent physical education, and sleep - what's the dream? In the coffin sleep. In short, the best revenge in this situation is daily mode. Three days later, she will brag a friend to you. A week later at work, she will be asked what happened to her gait, and where this closure came from. Ten days later she is very surprised. Two weeks later - it will begin to hint that it would be possible to see the TV. Through four you are finally running out, and it will ask for mercy.

Refuse Computer

Do you spend too much time on social networks and pay a lot of attention? Ok, baby! No, it is clear that someone's wrong on the Internet, and no one has canceled political schoches in Facebook. But no - so there is no. Sofa warriors go on the war path. Put the Facebook for the week and ... and start talking to her. About her work. About your job. About the international situation. About how it was good at a scoop. Or, on the contrary, bad. Control with her political discussion. Talk, finally, about tickers. It will end it very soon: at some point you come home, and you will wait for a smiling wife, dinner and standing right in front of a laptop plate. Because a) you will not say anything to her, you talked to all the burning topics during the first three dates, b) the tanks are not interested at all, c) she now also had to do not go into her battle, do not play the game "Dress Fashion model, "not discuss with indignation, how well-known TV presenters dress up and do not solve other eternal questions of being.

Good dress

This is a difficult number, but it is worth it. "Why are you always dressing like a homeless?" Well, in particular, there is a nice thing that you dress well, I want to say here. But it will be a resentment (and then punishment), so there is no, embody the dream. We go to some "megu" (and yes, fastening the heart, take a slender with you and listen to her advice, they answer very politely) and wear well. Expensive. We buy designer jeans. We buy an inexpensive jacket to them, thousands of thirty. We buy Macks not for 250 rubles, as usual, when old T-shirts are elapsed, but good tile cotton males, with designer prints. We buy soft, wonderfully flowing home pants, so as not to walk at home in stretched workouts. We kill two thirds of salaries for it. The rest of the month limit ourselves in everything, eat buckwheat and lentil, do not go to the restaurant, do not buy boots, they answer all questions: "Well, you wanted me to dress well." If it does not reach - you can repeat next month. And on vacation to go to my mother to the cottage - to walk in the forest and fish until the cute will take care of the potatoes.

Just in case, once again we emphasize: we, men, very peaceful. We need a declaration of conflict and avoiding it in the future. We want to live quietly and moderately, scratch your dignity, watch TV, there is a borsch, bring home salary, kissing and hugging and to us as little as possible brain washed. And for this we are ready for a lot.

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