From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion

From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion 40678_1

"Deep neckline" is a phrase that over the centuries excite the minds of men and cause envy in women. You can relate to it in different ways, but no one will argue that in many historical episodes this "phenomenon" played its key role.

What does it mean?

From the French language, the term "décolleté" has a rather coarse literal translation of "with cut-off neck" or "without neck." But it is not necessary to understand him in a literal sense, as it characterizes only the objects of the female wardrobe. The neckline is a cutout on the top of a woman's clothing, which partially opens his shoulders, chest or both parts of the body.

If we talk about the use of the neckline and its meaning, then the concepts of physiological beauty, aesthetics, erotica and sensuality come to the fore.

How it all began…

Despite the fact that the decollet (in today's understanding of this term) appeared in the XIV century, such a "way" of wearing clothes by women began to be used in ancient Egypt. In this antique state, women of all sections of the Society were calazirisi dresses, almost completely talked. For such a civilized state, where the "greatest profession in the world" originated is absolutely no, the use of similar outfits.

From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion 40678_2

To fully apply to the neckline on women's clothing, the term "neckline" began in Europe. Dresses with the neckline used together with the courts of the queen of France and the wife of Charles Vi insane - Isabella Bavarian. This, extremely unpopular government did not like the people because of her slutty and wasteful lifestyle. But with Isabelle, the neckline had a more or less delicate look. It was a rectangular shape and opened only a small area of ​​the body, just below the neck and the top of the back.

From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion 40678_3

Over the next few years, the sizes of the French ladies gradually increased, while Agnes Sorel, the beloved King of France Karl VII and did not blind one of the breasts at all. In this form, it appeared on his public repentance, participated in secular balas and receptions. Almost all the courtiers and noble ladies supported Agnes, putting on her dress.

Neckline in the Renaissance Epoch

In the era of Renaissance Fashion on the decollete gradually moved to other European countries. For example, in Italy (different cities), "the well-known beauties and secular lionesses Lucrection of Bordja, Simoneetta Vespucci and others.

From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion 40678_4

Interestingly, Spain has fought the latter to the latter on the neckline. The clergy was played here and at some point wearing the top cutout on the dress were forbidden at all. For more security measures, bulky corrugated collars began to wear.

In the period from XV to the XVII, representatives of many European courtyards were experimed with ways of decorating women's clothing in the chest. There were various kinds of "windows" (they were worn by Ekaterina Medici), and rectangular necklates were framed with high collars with lace (the latter wore the French Queen Margo and the English Queen of Elizabeth I).

From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion 40678_5

At the time of the gallant century (1715-1770), the decolte was carried away by almost all women not only in Europe, but also in the Russian Empire. They could be complemented by all sorts of decorations, ranging from colors and ending with bows. This time, which was characterized by the rapid development of the sphere of entertainment, the "cult of pleasure", infantality and favoritism.

From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion 40678_6

Show the top of the breast for a woman was thought to be honored. This is confirmed by numerous portraits of secular liones of that time. It was in the XVII century that the Empress of Elizabeth I Petrovna and Catherine II, which, without a deep and vulgar decollete, did not imagine their own lives, were squeezed on the Russian throne.

Not for all

In the XIX century, bourgeois tastes prevail. The decollete was dressed relatively rarely, seasonally and depending on the time of day.

From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion 40678_7

If the day the woman wore closed clothes, then in the evening the day could afford to wear a dress with a neckline. At this time, the tone asked the actresses of Rashel, Eleanor Duza, Sarah Bernard, Lily Langree and others.

And what about the neckline today?

Special attention deserves the XX century and new time. Since the beginning of the century, the fashion has not changed the vectors of their development. The first and second world wars did a great influence on it. In the royal times of the Russian Empire, the popularity of the neckline has grown to an unprecedented level, but immediately "went out" when the state coup occurred.

Corsets were gradually stopped used and bras allowing the ladies to wear all kinds of dresses. It was the beginning of this sexual revolution. Cutout on women's dresses, now and then changed its location, having moved from his chest on the back and vice versa.

From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion 40678_8

Attention was attached to the decolight in the 50s and 1980s, when the film industry was developing dynamically. Dresses with decollete constantly dressed Marilyn Monroe, Madonna, Ornell Muti, Jane Russell, Sophie Loren, Gina Lollobrigid, Bridget Bardo and many others.

From the history of the neckline: from calaziris dresses with bare breasts to modern high fashion 40678_9

At the end of the 20th century, there is some democracy to the use of the neckline. Such dresses are modern women put on, pushing off from the situation and with specific goals.

The neckline has become soil for scandals. But there were in the history and 10 dangerous trendy trends of different times who brought fashion to death.

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