They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day


They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_1

Although today on the podiums and pages of fashionable magazines, brightly painted men became the usual phenomenon, in everyday life they still remain exotic. Meanwhile, the story of male makeup is not even hundreds and thousands of years. At the same time, it is not about the combat coloring of ocra, which other primitive people applied for themselves, namely about make-up, designed to embellish appearance.

Antique Makeup

Images of the pharaohs on the frescoes and painted figurines of ancient Egypt do not leave the shadow of doubt: makeup for men there was no less important than for women. Chemical analysis of mummy allows you to find out what means used the ancient Egyptian rulers and their subjects: the eyes are led by antimony, and the face was refreed to "cosmetic milk".

They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_2

Male makeup was so ordinary thing that the impossibility of its application was perceived as infringement of rights. This is evidenced by the inscription inflicted in 1170 BC. On the wall of the tomb in the valley of the kings and the narrating refusal to go to the work of several men, because they have ends and ... paints for makeup.

They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_3

In ancient Greece and Rome, contrary to stereotypes, male makeup was not at all an ordinary phenomenon. The Greeks and Romans carefully epilated the body, but the painting of the face considered the lot of mimes, cable dancers and singers, as well as persons with unconventional orientation. Maximum that could afford a respectable citizen of the Greek policy or Rome - it's a slightly pointing forehead and nose so that they do not glisten. Even the emperors did not allow more: when the young Helichabal, ruled from 218 to 222, began to hold worship in the church of the Sun with a coated ledged, the facial, whipped his cheeks and suspended his eyes, rebelled against him.

Renaissance and new time

In the Middle Ages, especially early, even ordinary hygienic procedures were a kind of luxury, so about make-up there, where the bath was rare, did not have to say. A splash of the popularity of male makeup begins only in the 16th century, although at first the new look of the exquisite court cavalier is thoroughly powdered, with thin-tight-like worn and subordinate black eyes - liked not everyone.

They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_4

The French king Heinrich III and its courtiers, at the courtyard of which makeup for men entered the fashion, accused of homosexuality and falnses. However, with his successors, male makeup not only did not leave fashion, but also was supplemented with new elements.

They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_5

In the 17th century, men began to glue on the powdered face of flies - tiny figures from black taffeta, polish nails and bring the carmine lips. In the 2nd half of the 17th century, a lush wig and high-heeled shoes were added to a rich makeup. Wigs and cosmetics did not leave the male fashion until the Great French Revolution, but it should be noted that if the wigs allowed themselves to themselves and representatives of the third class, they were painted exclusively nobles, not only in France, but also in other countries.

Epoch decades

Throughout the 19th century, the use of decorative cosmetics was condemned even in relation to women: makeup was considered a sign of Kokotok. Everyone has changed decades with his belly of a pale face with huge eyes surrounded by dark shadows. To give the appearance of fashionable features, at the end of the 19th - early 20th century, representatives of Bohemia begin to apply white powder on the face and bring her eyes with a burning plug.

They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_6

In the 1910s, makeup for actors and singers becomes hardly mandatory, and, as the photographs of the stars of silent cinema I. Mozzhukhin or Yunoy A. Veshinsky, it was used not only on stage, but also in ordinary life.

They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_7

How large was the popularity of makeup in the era of decades, it is evidenced by the fact that they did not disperse not only the capricious and raised stars of the cabaret, but also the combat white-leaved officers and their commander (for example, General Slazzhev had a habit of poured).

XX century and our days

Up to the "cultural revolution" of the 1960s Makeup could be seen only on actors on the set. However, since the late 1960s, the situation changes: instead of actors, rock stars are becoming a rock stars, actively using cosmetics to create an original image. Especially loved intensive makeup representatives of such a direction like Glam Rock, but they did not disappear and the stars who performed music in other styles - Billy Aidol, Prince, David Bowie, Michael Jackson. Among the representatives of the subculture makeup "took the" Panca.

They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_8

In the 21st century, male makeup gradually ceases to be perceived as something empty. A significant role was played by Hollywood Stars, constantly appearing in the public with painted eyes (for example, the same D. Department), Fashion on Androgyn models and unisex style.

They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_9

Cosmetic brands begin to produce special products for men, emphasizing that makeup and masculinity are fully compatible.

They also face: what a male makeup has been from the time of antiquity to the present day 40676_10

But, although every year, more and more representatives of the strong sex are decided to apply a tonal cream or cut the lips on the face, about turning the male makeup into the usual element of the external appearance until it is not necessary to speak.

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