A man in the heighters of forces, or who was actually a prototype of Carlson?


A man in the heighters of forces, or who was actually a prototype of Carlson? 40671_1

After reading an interesting book, people often wonder: Are there any real events or people who served as a prototype written? It is quite difficult to answer such a question, if the author himself has not written that he served him a source of inspiration.

"Moma" funny fat man with a propeller is the world-famous Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. Not one generation of children from around the world has grown on her books. These books were read in different countries. They were shielded, put the performances and filmed cartoons on them.

Astrid Anna Emilia Ericsson was born on November 14 distant 1907 in Vimmerby, Sweden. Since childhood, she very much loved to read, listened to numerous folklore and fabulous stories, and then began to compose herself.

A man in the heighters of forces, or who was actually a prototype of Carlson? 40671_2

In 1941, the writer, already a married lady, moved with his family in Stockholm. Here she lived until his death in 2002.

As often happens, invent, and then record the history of the Astrid of the beginning for their own children. She had a rich and stories from her - under the pen writer came out, a total of 80 pieces. There were not only fairy tales, but also a story, books, pictures, plays, poems, and even a detective.

The first, the most successful book was the story of the Red Girl Peppi Long-roll. By the way, it is the most popular in children of Western countries. And in the Soviet Union, Carlson loved.

A man in the heighters of forces, or who was actually a prototype of Carlson? 40671_3

Why do the writer's books like children so much why they are so long? As Lindgran Lindeight told Lindgren, she loved the children very much, was always interested in their problems, even the smallest and, in the view of adults, insignificant. Probably, this is lung at this.

History of kid and carlson

The first book of the trilogy came out in 1955. And it turned out to be so popular that the second and third followed. At first, Carlson only refused, and his leprosy was not always harmless. Take at least a goal on the roof, which was worth the parents of the baby of considerable nerves. Yes, and surely the baby too, after he was removed.

But in many cases, a lot of support has had a lot of support, although in a joking form: he helped to cope with the pressure of the despotic household, Freken side, drove rogues, etc.

A man in the heighters of forces, or who was actually a prototype of Carlson? 40671_4

The writer itself never told who or what was the prototype of a fat mischievous. Just in earlier fairy tale appear characters who are ready to help and console single children. The topic of helping and supporting children was for the writer the most important all her life. Of particular interest was the new flows in the pedagogy of the 30s and 19th, which called for children, relying on their psychology.

Children, even in, at first glance, prosperous families often feel lonely and unnecessary due to the lack of understanding of adults. Here they need a friend who will support them and will understand. Children's psyche tend to invent a "imaginary friend", if there is no real friend. By the way, such a phenomenon was subsequently called "Carlson Syndrome".

A man in the heighters of forces, or who was actually a prototype of Carlson? 40671_5

Please note the image of Carlson has changed from the first book to the third. In the first part it can be called "imaginary friend", nor the parents nor a brother with his sister see him! Only then he acquires "flesh and blood" and becomes quite tangible character with whom native baby get acquainted.

The prehistory of Carlson himself can be called an earlier fairy tale Lindgren "Baby Niels Carlson". See, the name has already sounded. It refers to the houses that helps to cope with the loneliness of the boy. It is clear that the houses, except for the child, no one sees. But this character was not such a pamper as Carlson.

In the next fairy tale between Light and Darkness, the character named Mr. Movabe appeared. This creature is already skillfully flying, although it did not have a propeller or wings. It was a kind fabulous man who had fun and entertained a sick child.

A man in the heighters of forces, or who was actually a prototype of Carlson? 40671_6

As you can see, Carlson embodied some features of the preceding fabulous heroes. And got a lot of new ones. He became more alive, enterprising and, that sin is hooligan. So friendship with Carlson did not always go to the baby good.

At the same time the character acquired propeller. It is believed that this is due to love Lindgren to Aviashow. No wonder when she was small, the airplanes were not yet as familiar, as they are now. And the airshow collected many enthusiastic spectators. And the little Astrid as a child lasied on the roofs and trees. So where and live a flying character, like not on the roof!

There is an unconfirmed version that Astrid Lindgren was inspired by American comics of the 40s. There was one fat flying character named Mr. O'Malei with four wings. Swedish researchers do not like this version, perhaps from patriotic motives. But, in the end, there is nothing gallopped in using a suitable idea. Especially, if ultimately it turned out a character, which turned out to be much more interesting than the original and won the love of children from around the world. Who will now remember that American barnabi and his friend? And Carlson knows around the world.

But there is a more exotic version of the prototype of a popular children's character.

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