And the wedding sang and danced: how made marriages of the Soviet rock stars

And the wedding sang and danced: how made marriages of the Soviet rock stars 40670_1

They used crazy popularity in Soviet times. As they did not try to drive them into the framework of generally accepted music, they did not fit, broke all the obstacles and constantly expressed their protest against the system. But the families of the stars of the Soviet rock were registered with the observance of all traditions.

Vyacheslav and Marina Butusov

They met in the first year of the institute on the workshops in the collective farm and sympathized with each other at first glance. True, to speak with Marina Butusov decided only after the debut of freshmen. He volunteered to spend it, they walked from one end of Sverdlovsk to another and silent. Even the recognition in love was their non-standard. He asked: "What do you think you just like you or do I love you?"

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After she introduced him to his parents, but Mom Vyacheslav immediately did not like. Moving the opinion of the future, the zyat helped the tragedy that happened in the family. Father Marina beat a lot, Vyacheslav supported her beloved and her mother with all their might. And after the funeral suddenly it turned out that they themselves will soon become their parents.

Vyacheslav's parents lived in Surgut and adopted future daughter-in-law. And they arranged a young chic wedding. They were good together exactly until he began to be at home only by the departures, actually living in St. Petersburg. There he met his new love. But with the daughter born in the summer of 1980, communication was never interrupted.

Vladimir and Elena Shahrina

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Vladimir Shahrin always aware of his responsibility to his family. And he felt the guilt before his wife for the fact that there were many parting in their lives. She got married not for the musician, but for a simple builder, and after she had to get used to the constant absence of a spouse at home. But, on the other hand, parting and the following meetings made their family life brighter and rich.

Viktor Tsoi and Marianna Rodovanskaya

They met in 1982 at the birthday of someone from common buddies. Marianna slightly shocked him completely atypical for 19-year-old Yunsa self-confidence. But she did not think in front of him, I painted my phone number with a lipstick. And he called. They met for three years. Tsoi sincerely worried about their four-year differences aged and a completely unthinkable income difference. But Marianna did not confuse anything. She loved him.

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They signed three years after dating. There was simply no worthless wedding with all relying attributes of money. She put on a light skirt and white jacket, Tsoi was closed in a suit with a tie. Six months after the wedding, in August 1985, the Son was born from the spouses. Loads lived extremely poorly. In the Crimea rest drunk hares. When they fell from controllers, Tsiu had to work out the passage with his songs. And he sang all the way, to the very Crimea, and after at all could not speak.

They were happy together for a few years, while Viktor Tsoy did not overtake new love. True, the divorce of the spouse did not work, and the musician always spoke to his first wife, that they remain their family, since they have a son.

Joan Stinger and Yuri Kasparyan

Their wedding was truly cult. Joann was the window of the Soviet rock to America, and her wedding with the guitarist "Cinema" - cheerful and noisy. She did not understand a word from what the registrar said in the registrar, only tried not to miss the moment when I need to say in Russian "Yes."

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However, their marriage existed quite shortly, soon she was married again, only now Alexander Vasilyev from the Center group.

Mike Naumenko and Natasha Shozubeva

Mike Naumenko knew all Leningrad, Rock lovers guarded a talented musician. Natasha got acquainted with Mike thanks to his cousin. At his wedding, they began to show sympathy for each other.

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But the initiative to continue the acquaintance was Natasha. It is she, having learned that Mike has a plate of David Bowie, insisted on its immediate listening. Mike Naumenko himself was extremely shy and tremble.

Boris Grebenshchikov and Natalia Kozlovskaya

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It was the first marriage BG. They got married, barely graduating from the institute in 1976. Celebrated with all the breadth of the generous Russian soul, by driving a chic banquet in Astoria. Congratulations on young St. Petersburg musicians and even specially arrived from Moscow Andrei Makarevich with "Machine Time". Two years later, the marriage collapsed.

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