Wise Jewish parable for all moms: when children are a lot, but there are few money


Wise Jewish parable for all moms: when children are a lot, but there are few money 40669_1

In one Jewish family there were many children, but they did not have enough money. The father constantly disappeared at work, and the trapped mother devoted all herself all her at home - she washed, she prepared, distributed to the naughty children, shouted at them, and then complained about her husband's neighbors. And somehow I'm completely out of my strength, the mother went for advice to rabbi - how to break out of a vicious circle, how to become a good mother?

Home Mother came thoughtful, and since that day she was replaced. No, no more money. And the children were all the same. But now the mother did not even raise the voice on them, and with her face I never went smile. Once a week, she was still on the bazaar, and in the evening it was blocked in the room and asked not to be disturbed.

Children tormented curiosity. Once they broke the ban and looked at mom. She was sitting at the table and ... Saw tea with a sweet bun!

Wise Jewish parable for all moms: when children are a lot, but there are few money 40669_2

"Mom, what are you doing? And what about? "Children shouted indignantly. "Sha, Children! - It was importantly answered. - I make you a happy mom! "

Morality! To give out others, you need to prepare the drown.

P.S. Here you have an uncomplicated truth! To make the whole family - the husband and children were happy, first of all it is necessary to be happy to be Mom! This, I will tell you, an axiom that does not require evidence!

By the way, psychologists believe that a young mother is such a special person who has a brain slides in tits and refuses to function. That is why she does everything wrong.

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