Nelept: Does not drink, does not beat, does not walk. Why are you bad? ..


Nelekt is one of the most cruel forms of psychological violence. Firstly, it is quite difficult to recognize, secondly, the non-set exists solely in the conditions of sufficient insulation of the victim, so waiting for her help to be nowhere.


In fact, the nonlepping is latent aggression, while the nexlemper looks absolutely sincere and excuse to be completely sincere. The abuser is confident that it is necessary to take care of its own comfort and satisfying your own needs and do this at the expense of others.

Unfortunately, as practice shows, the majority of men practic an unfounded towards their partners and girlfriends, without bringing it to extremes, but feeding it their self-esteem and getting a feeling of power over a woman. Nothing in common with real care or tenderness does not have.

Remember, you probably have repeatedly heard from my husband or boyfriend completely sincere justification: "I didn't know ...", "I forgot ...", "I did not understand ..." In the situation, when you were extremely vulnerable and dependent on it, for example, Patient, hungry or without money. There is no direct evidence of guilt, so the absurger is very easy to get away from responsibility and the need to respond for their behavior. Well, in fact, I forgot, twisted at work, and there I also called my mom, a friend asked to throw into the airport ... and the eyes are honest-honest.


One of the most striking manifestations of non-male - deprivation of food. In this case, a man creates a woman who will command the woman, deciding who, what and when will eat, what will be bought in the store and what you need, but what is not. Then the phrases begin to sound: "We don't need it," if you don't want - it means not hungry, "it's too expensive" (in relation to even the most simple items), "British scientists have proven that it is harmful food and that vitamins too It is harmful to "," we have not been accepted. "," I feel sick of your meal "," I bought you what you love "and so on.

Very often, the nonlepping manifests itself at the time when a woman is on child care leave. Then you can not let her go to the doctors ("You're healthy, why do you need"), not to buy medicines ("I forgot"), do not give women a breather from everyday household worries ("I'm busy important things, I can not help you"), Do not take care of her health, for example, requiring immediate proximity after episiotomy or cesarean section when sex can cause a woman irreparable harm.

It should be noted that one of the bright signs of the non-payment is a targeted methodical deprivation of a woman of all social relations and resources. The husband asks to translate to the easier job, closer to the house so that she could give more time to the family and his beloved, he dries away from her every girlfriend, often using the most vile Methods of blackmail, and even transports at all to another city, justifying this step in private Interests and prospects.


Then may follow the imaginary transmission to the woman of control and power: "I give my wife all the salary!", But in fact, a man in this case acts as a manipulator, because it takes a huge amount of responsibilities that it is forced to do not harm the family. All the best - children and husband, often to the detriment of her. Women, on the shoulders of which excessive control in part of everything in the world, as for the family, partner, children, often do not understand where chronic fatigue comes from ("I'm so tired" - but it is not clear what is tired). So, control and responsibility - spends the resource, burns it. And in the case of women, this responsibility and control does not give any power, this is the responsibility of the slave, not the boss.

The worst thing is not impossible to distinguish between. A caring husband - permits not to work, sit at home, however, something friend often sick, but with such a man of course will quickly go to the amendment. The absurr never shows an outsider of his true face, and often at all trying to look as often as possible and concerned.

However, it should be remembered that in the most terrible cases, the dismissal ends in the death of the victim, while the Nelekletter looks like a loyal widow, but in a couple of years finds himself a new sacrifice and the story goes to a new round.


How to recognize Negalteter


Need to see, watch, is it possible to sincerely rejoice in other people's achievements? Is it capable of drawing the power of real joy or is it pleased to satisfy only the "food failure"?

Family history

If there is an opportunity, then you need to know how things are with the family in the suspect in the unbelief. If there are female problems, strange, non-logic relationships or fanatical immersion in religion or occult, then it is worth alert.


Is the person sincerely sympathize, empathize someone else's pain, or does he remain extremely indifferent to the suffering of others? Many men explain their inconsistency in this matter by masculby, but there is nothing courageous in indifference to suffering. In this case, this is the same violence.


For example: "A group of people stands on the shore, the guide says: here is a stormy sea that once drowned the old woman." Abyuser says: "The old woman died because her natives wanted to get the inheritance." As they say, in every joke there is some joke. Suspiciousness is a schizo beacon, seeing which, you need to run.


How to escape?

  • If you understand that a man is methodically and gradually dries away from you all friends and girlfriends, curses chatting with relatives and parents, insists on your complete isolation from the world, "you can easily.
  • With no sauce do not stop communicating with parents and closest friends. Let them always be aware of your deeds, plans and furnishings in the family.
  • If you understand that a situation in which a man uses your vulnerability and addiction to harm you is repeatedly repeated.
  • Remember that you are alone, and your life is alone. Your main task is to live and be healthy and happy. By and large, take care of you besides you the most about any more. If you feel that you are uncomfortable, or you see a direct threat to your moral and physical health, they can easily.

Based on Lubava

Illustrations: shutterstock

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