15 things you need to have time to do up to 30


Live in your rhythm, of course, who interferes. But believe us, ugly the life of Turtle Tortillates - these 15 points are better to close up to the 30th anniversary. Spoiler - There is no word about children and a wedding.


Find a vocation

You can and later, of course. Yes, here at least immediately after retirement. But then the toad will put pressure on the best years spent on the culberry stagnation. So you will try to decide, or audit is your love and fate, or it's time to retracted in the manager. How to distinguish God's gift from scrambled eggs, we told here.

Collect the hammer of "their"


We yearly by ourselves ballast - classmates with whom nothing in common, except for memories of Hymosa-Bar; Neighbor girls, whose welfarers shake the term and in general they are from another world; There are pleasants with whom you run on the dawn in one club (they are running there until now). Sad people with appetite devour your time and mental resources, without giving anything in return. Leave only those who love and who inspires.

Turn the Hobby

This is an extremely useful voltage discharge valve, and the voltage has the property only increase. You can not come up with something original - take advantage of ready-made solutions.

Start earn


Economists stuck their nose in other people's wallets and found out that we achieve your salary peak for years to 40. That is, if in 30 you get so much that it is hardly enough for gray pasta, you are unlikely that you suddenly burst into the Forbes lists. In 30 it's time to stop dreaming about how you grow up and get rich. It's time to get out of the financial pocket. Time went.

Learn to drink

And the ability to drink, as you know, is exclusively in the ability to stay on time.

Find the head of knowledge


It is never too late to learn, but it is better to do it up to 30 years. Just because neurons are still cheerful, fresh and muscles. Any information absorbs instantly and remains almost forever. And than a variety of knowledge, the better. By the way, educated and curious people are much less frequent in old age come with depth.

Learn to control emotions

Do not clamp them in yourself (from this, knowledgeable people say, radiculitis, neurosis and flatfoot happen), but to understand when it is appropriate to be a plate about the floor, and when it is better to restrain (and be sure to be like, but where the victims among civilians are not will be). 30-year-old girls who are publicly fighting in the submerction and justify this by the fact that the "chote rolled" makes their contribution to the vitality of the stereotype "All women - hysterical". So thank you very much.

Master the Ase self-irony


The animal seriousness and syradiability is not that unattractive. It is very, very tiring. Such people cause an insurmountable desire to go to the corner and beat their heads about the wall until they leave the building (or until the plaster drops). Do not be such, do not.

Make stupid

Those who can then remember, amazing their adventure and fearlessness. After 30, you will be too smart so that the silent head to rush to the hitchhiker to the next city for your favorite group or wake up somewhere in Hamburg on a five-euro dance floor on your pocket.

Select satellite


Not necessarily right here is a living companion to find, but to decide who you are looking for. And not to be distracted by all her Sheluke like the suffering stars of rock and roll and sofa nodes, because it is not here.

Stop envy

Especially what you see in social networks. As you know, everyone is lying there. All the evening will be promirmed over a mug of pivandria in the district sandwich, and then they will begin, passing by the steep club "Yo-ho-ho, Tusim all night!". Sorry deposits.

Love sex


This is the best thing to do with your body. Such class sensations will not give any more lesson (even eating ice cream straight from the bucket). At a minimum, it is worth trying to understand what jokes here, if you still do not. If there is no living person at hand for experiments - train manually.

Learn to cook

We will not go far on some frozen dumplings and chicken nuggets. PICS.RU regularly tests simple and cool recipes - choose any.

Like sports


Because after 30 metabolism slows down, the nature of the ruthless bitch, each cupcake, it strives forever to stick to the boost. And the habit of changing is already somehow lazy. You do not want to join the ranks of the army bore, which everyone complains about what they are thick - find yourself the kind of sport that you really like. Zumba, walks around the city or Thai boxing - yes, anything, if only enjoy. Start with stretching, for example.

Make friends with parents

If you are sure that you do not glue everything, because your parents loved you too much / Nothing / not so, take their resentment not to the father's house on the New Year holidays, but to a psychologist who will decide on the shelves and teach you how to take Our parents are like they are. They will no longer change, infa 100%. But you can.

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