"Every terrorist attack I recognize about, happens a little with me"


    The terrorist attack is very scary. It's terrible to know that you are no longer safe, to know that tomorrow it can happen anywhere, including next to you. PICS.RU publishes the text of Barbara Torova, about what it is and how to live with it.

    "I was in the terrorist attack in Tushino, I know what it is. I remember this day like yesterday.

    He says: "Listen, let's not go, eh? Nafig is Tushino, this day is good, went better to some kind of river? "

    I say: "No, I want to there, and there is a bunch of friends and on stage and in general, the rock festival, cool, well, let's go !!!".

    We are going to the subway, then we go to McDonalds to buy Kocacolu, because all the tents are closed, and the heat is terrible, and you want to drink. We have long been in McDonalcda in line and I buy the biggest Kocacolus. Then we stand at the heat in line.

    Then I give him a kocacolu, which I can only keep two hands, the glass is too big, and it is terribly uncomfortable, and calling the yarotkom, ask, whether there is no place to go through the turn, we, in principle, already in the middle of this queue, but it's terribly hot And I want to listen to music, Yarotsky can not help and there are no accreditations.

    Then I take Kocacolu.

    And then there is a loud sound, I climbed a second,

    And when I open my eyes, I see that around people fall to death, I see a lot of blood and slices of some bodies,

    And I think: "This is my Coca-Cola exploded, no one knows about what it is done, and probably some kind of chemical reaction from the heat there, I am guilty, I killed people."

    And then I see that Kirill is in the blood, and I do not understand, he has an eye in the blood from the fact that there is no more eyes or just it flows from his forehead, and I see that my white linen skirt is all in someone else's blood,

    And I still understand that on me myself - not a single scratch, in general, at all.

    And around the dead people.

    And then suddenly it turns out that I am perfectly calm in extreme situations, and I pull out Cyril from there, and I absolutely calmly, it is absolutely clear what to do, where to go, and how to act, and for example, I come to the drivers of minibuses that smoke in the distance, And I propose any money to them so that they take us out from there, because the ambulance does not go in any way, but they say: "No, I will not go to the center."

    And then Kirill lay in the hospital, and there was a lot more, and I understand that the queue in McDonalds saved us life,

    And for some reason, always when I sneeze, I feel the same smell of quiet skin, as if he was always sitting somewhere in the corner of my body, it just always sits and sometimes breaks

    There was a young couple there. And the young man went to buy a cigarette. And when he returned, his girl died. And then he sat on a few days on the asphalt, cried and wrote with chalk "Katya, forgive me."

    This can happen anywhere, the terrorist attack can happen anywhere, and will happen. And scary in this is not only what it is dangerous for life, but the fact that it is permanently depriving you of the sensation of the house, the feeling of security, it deprives you of the rear. No more than no rear, there is no more "everything is in order", there is one continuous line of the front.

    And forever this smell in the nose.

    Each terrorist attack, which I recognize, happens a little with me. "

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