"Batmobile": not bits, not painted, 550 mares. In good rich hands!


An advertisement for the sale of Batmobile from Tim Burton in 1989 has appeared on one of the road Runet's automotive sites. The price of the question is nothing - 1,000,000 euros.

As the announcement says, the car is completely on the go, it even has a mileage of 22.5 thousand kilometers. Assembled on conscience: Chassis took from General Motors, and the engine - from Ford 460 Bigblock with an increase of 550 horsepower, allowing the car to develop speed up to 250 km / h. The model received recognition of experts and fans: Studio Warner recognized her one of the best in the world by issuing a corresponding certificate to the current owner.

As representatives of Avtosite say, they decided to bring Batmobile to Moscow on the eve of the premiere of the new film about Batman ("Batman against Superman") to please all the fans of a flying man. FastBoom Pro is engaged in the transfer and all necessary documentation.

"We have long been looking for batmobils around the world, but received several failures without explaining the reasons - all the world of all models from different films and comics are just a few pieces. Owners and tick fans are not ready to part with them for any money. Real Batmobiles can be seen with their own eyes only at exhibitions, but in Russia they were never "


According to Plan, Batmobile must arrive in Moscow at the end of summer, the exact date is not yet reported. The car was collected in the United States, but with her delivery to London problems arose. We suspect that it was simply detained that all employees could ride and take pictures with a rare wheelbarrow!

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