Wittgenstein at school: can a genius be a teacher


Ludwig Wittgenstein, one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, has been working for a rural teacher in elementary school for six years. This experience not only affected his philosophy, but also showed whether a person with a phenomenal intelligence can be a good teacher.

When in 1919, Wittgenstein decided to become a rural teacher, his sister Hermina said that "to present it, with his trained philosopher's mind, as a primary school teacher, it's like to see wooden boxes as a jewelry tool."

By this time, Ludwig has already passed through the First World War and wrote his famous "logical-philosophical treatise" - an essay, without which it is impossible to imagine the development of the philosophical thought of the 20th century.

In the "logical-philosophical treatise" it is argued that "the boundaries of the language mean the borders of the world": everything that cannot be expressed in the language of facts in the form of the type of proposals "The situation is also the same and that is" - Tavtology or nonsense. Hence the thesis "What it is impossible to speak, about that should be silent." For example, morality cannot be described or justified: moral truths cannot be expressed - only to show.

The treatise, however, was not yet published, but everyone (in particular, his teacher Berran Russell) It was clear that there was a person with exceptional abilities.

Not a whim and ideology

Wittgenstein's decision to become a rural teacher was not a fleeting priest. First, it was part of the family tradition: one of his sisters was engaged in enlightening the poor, the other was worked in the society of the Red Cross. Secondly, such tests were needed to be saved from constant depression.

The convinced Tolstovist, Wittgenstein followed ascetic ideals: a huge inheritance, which was delivered from his father - Steel Magnate - he crossed relatives or gave for charity. All his life he tried to limit himself as much as possible in the fact that she concerned his personal comfort, not to mention luxury.

In addition, his decision, apparently, influenced the school reform, which began in Austria just at this time.

If the empire of the Habsburgs brought up law-abiding and god-fearing, but non-affecting burghers, then the new democratic state was needed by citizens who could think critically and act independently. Although Wittgenstein and laughed at the slogans of reform, he treated her main positions quite seriously.

Hello, village!

Passing the courses of primary school teachers, Wittgenstein went to the Alps, where he spent the next six years in four deaf mountain settlements. Extremely demanding to themselves and others, Wittgenstein was perhaps the most strange person from those who have been able to see him to rural students.

In school, Wittgenstein taught everything - from mathematics to drawing and natural science. One of the principles of the new approach was integrated training: each topic should be somehow related to the other.

The day usually started at two o'clock mathematics, which some students later remembered with horror. The ten-year children had to assimilate complex algebraic constructions, which are now taught only in high schools, and not always.

With a class, he went on excursions to the nearest cities - Vienna and Gloggnitz - where he dumped into children the mountains of information about architectural styles, various mechanisms and adaptations, explained the laws of physics. On the way back, making his way through the forest, the disciples collected samples of stones and plants. Everything that they could already know school sessions was explained on specific examples: experience and observations received by children in everyday life became material for learning.

Many disciples adored Wittgenstein, despite the fact that he was a nervous and extremely demanding teacher. With the most capable of them, he often did late, which caused the peasant parents anxiety: they suspected that he wants to dare children from agricultural work and relocate in the city.

Wittgenstein really tried to send some disciples in Vienna after graduation, insisting that "having received education, they and manure will be delicious." But he did not succeed in this. In general, with parents and other teachers at Wittgenstein, relations did not take shape:

I'm still in Trattenbach, and around, as always, vulgarity also reigns. I understand that for the most part, people are insignificant everywhere, but here they are much more pronounced and irresponsible than anywhere.

And not everything was fine with the children: Wittgenstein was quick-tempered and often applied to them cruelly. Despite the advanced principles of learning, beat children with ropes then there was still in the order of things. But Wittgenstein, apparently, passed some borders: resorted to physical strength, punishing not only for bad behavior, but also for a lie (he could not stand lying and he himself was immaculate, even frighteningly honest), Drals for her ears and torn the hair Student lagging.

In the end, an incident occurred, which forced Wittgenstein to leave the post of teacher: after several blows on the head, one of his students lost consciousness. Wittgenstein immediately left the school and later he was attracted to the court. The court justified him, but 10 years later, Ludwig himself came to his former disciples to apologize for his cruel behavior.

The peasants whom he saw in the villages did not fit the Tolstovsky ideals - they turned out to be lazy and narrow with people with narrow thinking, immersed in casual debris and care. Also in children, it seems to be lacking for cleanliness, openness and clarity of thinking. This he did not forgive or another.

Genius and students

In Cambridge, where Wittgenstein led a seminar for several years, it was treated with a mixture of delight and almost religious fear: his quick-temperedness and manner will lead a discussion one of the students even devoted a poetic poem:

He interrupts any of the Nasi after that, broader time broadcasts. It's loudly arguing and noise - a terrible temper! -The sure is that right, and happy with the fact that the right ...

If Wittgenstein asked questions, it was most likely to themselves - others struggled with difficulty in his thoughts, and there existed someone else's opinion only as an object for criticism - or did not exist at all.

Many he discouraged to engage in philosophy, considering it a useless spending time: some students on his advice even went to work at the factory. Physical work, spoke Wittgenstein, is useful for the brain and personality development, and philosophers are engaged in pseudodble, which in fact do not stand anything.

Looks like he was schizophrenic

In "Philosophical Studies", the second serious work of Wittgenstein, which was published in 1953, many find traces of his teaching practice: pedagogical techniques, numerous mental experiments and examples from everyday life. From the thought of the science language that could ideally describe reality, Wittgenstein moved to the "philosophy of an ordinary language" - to how people enjoy speech in practice.

"Ordinary life" did not exist for him - everything was becoming a reason for research and reflection. The surrounding was very difficult to live near such a person:

Each conversation with Wittgenstein looked like a terrible court day. It was terrible. Each word, every thought had to be pulled out, questioned and test for truth. And it concerned not only philosophy, but also life in general.

Wittgenstein, apparently, suffered all her life from sluggish schizophrenia, and now it would probably would not even be comfortable to school.

Cruel and demanding to themselves, he could be a source of inspiration and admiration, could put the beginning of the new directions of philosophy and affect the whole development of humanitarian knowledge, but he did not have a good teacher. The Volens Nolens teacher must separate himself from its duties, to a lot relate to formally and not demand from others too much.

Wittgenstein, who was also called a sample of genius during his lifetime, invested entirely and simply could not afford it.

Posted by: Oleg BocarnikiShimmer Article: NewTonew

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