Project of the week on BoomStarter: Book "Living Legends"



We promised to tell you about the most classroom maiden projects on BoomStarter. The word is kept. This week, we have been supporting Margarita Figinne from Ekaterinburg - a photographer and the author of a large-scale project about war veterans.

On this project, Margarita Pyndinina has been working for more than two years.

"I rarely go to parades in Yekaterinburg, but in 2013 for some reason I went. And besides the walking crowd, my look attracted three people. This is a boy of 7-8 years old with mom, they gave flowers to a woman in orders and stood talked. And I thought, but my children will not see these people already. And then the idea of ​​something to do for a long time, somehow tell about them so that the portrait was alive. " And Margarita began to work - I found many veterans from Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Peter and other cities.

120 real superheroes that have passed through what we cannot even imagine. And they got out from there alive and still can tell, what it is - when the tank is going on, you in your hand one pomegranate and you are 19 years old. 120 touching photos, 120 incredible stories, almost three years of work - the smallestness remained, to find funds for printing already ready and burdening books.

Margarita with friends for his funds was able to print only 20 copies - not enough even in order to give each hero. Print, logistics and newsletter requires 500,000 rubles. A quarter of this amount has already been collected using BoomStarter. There are a lot of us here, let's throw off on a little bit - the book turned out really very cool and will be sorry if some of her heroes will not wait for its copy.

Who else to support:

School of inclusive dance

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