Cheater twenty-first century. Real story



This story was sent by readers. We checked the data and were convinced - it is necessary to give the case to publicate. Be careful! Even receipts and contracts are not saved from some scammers.

This story began a long time ago. In one small town of Latvia, there was an ordinary boy and called him Kristap K. (Kristaps K.) He was born at sunset of the USSR and no longer remembers "how we were one country." Nevertheless, he speaks Russian perfectly. And in English.

If you meet with him face to face, he will tell you a classic hipster story about a pretty trained young man who leads a healthy lifestyle, loves cappuccino, compets the people of France in the attacks and is the director of its own company. Perhaps he will even like it.

He has a Facebook and a girl. He knows several languages ​​- Russian, English and Latvian. He loves to travel and talk about where and how he drinks coffee, which he saw.

But let's get to know a little closer to Crystap. What will you tell us about him? "For a long time," they will say, "rumors crawled in the company of friends. Something is wrong with this guy. "

"Gossip," Crystap will answer, "everything is not true.

So, some time ago, Kristap - a young man - worked at the company associated with flights. Since he is not from the capital, removed the apartment. With a friend who did not believe the gossip.

"It seemed a normal guy," says his former neighbor in the apartment, "smiling. But you know ... That's unlucky. All the time something with him was wrong. He promised a lot, but somehow everything was not folded. Neither pay for a communal. Neither find money for rent. And after some time it turned out that he did not pay anything. At all. I should have left.

But it was not the entire surprise: after some time it turned out that the charming neighbor took the documents of a friend and scored loans for them for a significant amount.

- I had to prove that I am me. And here I am not me! I still understand the police and banks. I knew everything about him - Passport details, wrote an official letter to his parents. But they died from everything. And he sometimes writes me. As if nothing happened. He said that he was interested to understand - whether to steal someone else's person. And, having tried, he could no longer stop. Until now, I sometimes write different letters, although I do not want to communicate with him - waiting for a court decision. Writes, as if there was nothing.

- And he hijacked the car. I leaseed - and also did not pay! - tells another girl. "We also wrote to the police, but they didn't do anything, they did not even answer, I understood that he had any connections there. I had to look for yourself. Found abandoned after a while.

- Ask him - where is our car? And he - what car? Oh, did you catch the car? What grief!

- And he lent money. All the time he happened. Then one thing, then another. Opened his company. Well done: very young, and already the company is its own. Well, I decided - it is necessary to support the guy. Not everyone will decide on this. Well, in general, in the end, she laughed - a big amount came up, and I pressed him - promised to contact the press and to the police. He gave. Well, I decided that it was not necessary to gossip, if it was, suddenly it was one time. And he behaved, the main thing - as if nothing had happened!


The company, by the way, the crystap really opened. Even a few. He worked on the same scheme - to gain loans, order services, and then the company closes for debts, because no one pays anything. Each time after the failure, the crystap simply changed the address and opened a new office - sometimes in another area.

- In no case can you do with it! - says one more his neighbor. - He lived a year ago in my apartment - he did not pay a penny, did not pay the communal service. I've been waiting for it when he ended the black band. And waited - he came with my technique!

- And I must money. A huge amount. Just huge! And so easily I wrote all the receipts, and the passport data gave! I then called him to my parents - I say: "How so?", And they me: "We do not know anything, he does not come to us!" And here I look the other day - and I see his blog in social networks, he is in Germany, someone his posts even laky. Amazingly business! Police shame to contact.

- And I removed the apartment, did not pay, and then I moved, grabbing part of things. Gave all his data for the contract - no problem at all. But it was a feeling that he did not like to pay. Not royal is a thing. Pulled, pulled, and then disappeared at all.

In the police, Kristap know, but sadly swing their heads: the case of fraud - very complex. People are shy to contact, take statements if the fraudster returned to them at least part. Do not want to raise noise. But it is the noise that is dangerous by a fraudster.

The last story with the Crystap, which brought all these cases to the surface, also concerns the lease. At the same time, the main character even Laikal posts, where they write about him and wrote letters to the author. To the question "What do you think about, you left all your data!" I answered "I don't think about anything."

So who really goes in life easily.

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