Dance and cheerful! Digest



Hi and good day!

We watched articles over the past week and gathered those that we especially want to share with you and for which it would be especially offended if you missed them.

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The crown article, of course, was a selection of patterned phrases that men negotiate the whole potature of sex. But trying, poor people think that it will be helped it. In combination with gifs, this is a homerically funny reading.

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And the rest of the week has passed under us under the sign of fun, songs and dances. Songs we translated and immediately built from the translations of a funny geadayk. At the same time she listened to the strange sounds of modern musical instruments.

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Dancing themselves in favorite movies, not forgetting, of course, a great misty. And, since such a booze went, we found, who to take an example, if you want to unfold. Here are these cool beauty bloggers with a great taste break glossy prohibitions and restrictions.

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Serious we left at last. Sometimes people who seem like strange or unpleasant, in fact, are not to blame and do not want to offend. And maybe you need your help. About this our postcards.

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Finally, if the world seems to you too noisy, elegant and sweeping, take our tips for introverts with small portions.

And you have a good day off!

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