10 tips for beginner robbers from Great Hudini



In the life of the famous Focussary Gudini, there was a lot of secrets, so he died under mysterious circumstances, on the night of Halloween. We remembered him and found a very interesting selection of advice from his 1906 book. "The right way to break the law". If you want to go on the dark side and do not know how, some of these tips work even in our times of video cameras and mobile devices. (We joke, do not break the law!)

Go on the snow back forever

If you plan to rob someone in winter, go back to the goal. So your traces, from the point of view passing by the police, will take away from the village of the victim. Unlike traces leading to someone's empty house, they are not a caretaker of the guardians of order.

Hitch diamonds in the chew

This is a very cunning way to kidnap the jewelry. Send to the jewelry store with a worthy-looking partner. Let her study the jewel and imperceptibly deceit some ring with a cheeky, and then imperceptibly sticks it under the rack. Of course, the disappearance of the ring will notice, but at the lady they will not find it, and the owners of the store with the guards will be forced with apologies to let her go. And you in the confusion quietly get a touch of a gum and leave!

Without an artificial hand as without hand

Whatever your inspection plan: Cut your wallet from the bag or tell someone else's pocket, artificial hand is your best friend. It is necessary to fix it so that it seemed to be a stranger: and the handles are, here they are!. You, meanwhile, carefully obscure the gullible neighbors in line with the real, "third" hand.

Always grab train in winter

Gudini explained this advice as: in the summer, tourists drive, who have nothing more valuable wet melts in the trains. In addition, the train is too light. Therefore, the raids are waiting for cold and darkness.

Complete molasses hat like distracting maneuver

This is advice for those who want to terminate the grocery store. You need a partner and traditional hat-cylinder. You must enter the store, speaking loud. Come to the seller and explain that you argue about how many liters of molasses will enter the cylinder. You are ready to pay for her, let him only pour it into the cylinder. (Clear business, these days with a molasses are even worse than with cylinders, so let him pour a cola in Fyodor). The seller is boring, he agrees to experience, and as soon as the hat is full - sharply sharpening her poor fellow. While he comes to himself and calls for help - all your sneakers.

Hide in the sofa

The concept is this: you buy a cute sofa, make a hole in it, under the body size, and hide. Your friends are attributed to the sofa in the apartment of the victim and say that they are couriers, and this is a gift. Implementing the moment, you get out, you gather valuable and come back to the sofa. Later, the same day, the partners return, they say that they were mistaken, and the sofa takes together with you and all iPhones!

Create online shopping

The most successful fraudsters, considers Hudini, are engaged in a real business, offices are given, hire managers. This is true today. For example, you can sell a means of eliminating bugs in just a dollar. The client sends a dollar (cheaply cheap, do not pay sin) And you are a letter in which you explain: Take a cluster behind the paws, put on anvil and knock the hammer. Profit!

Don't fall in love with your victims

Crime and love badly get along. Hudini says that some Madame Clais Redem, seducing and robby men. But one day she fell in love with her next groom. She could not quit him, instead she admitted to him in everything and gave himself to His mercy. Oddly enough, the couple got married and lived happily together. But I could not steal money!

Hitch secret messages under stamps

If you are afraid that someone reads your mail, write a message with tiny letters right on the envelope, and then stick the postage brand from above. The addressee will only be careful to disappear. And for email, probably you can apply pictures with encrypters.

Do not regret money on the mustache

If you want to rob someone in broad daylight, try to dress up a plumber or builder. It will give you an excuse for staying almost anywhere. Cutting mustache and bilateral pants - Mast Hav in your wardrobe. And you do not need to save on them, - warned Gudini: the best criminals use the highest quality mustes.

Translation: Elizabeth PonomarevaBased on MentalFloss.com

Illustration: shutterstock

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