Know and mind: a week of utility on PICS.RU



October continues, autumn exacerbation is gaining momentum, but the editorial office of does not give up and continues to sow intelligent, kind, eternal, as the great classic bequeathed. It turns out, in our opinion, not bad: catch the best articles last week!

Know and mind: a week of utility on PICS.RU 40420_2

If autumn got, nothing pleases, I want to handles and cookies, then here is a selection of instagrams of inspirational life. There are Mimimi-hedgehog, the yoga teacher and beautiful pictures of the planet Earth - pronounce beautiful and with pleasure! But if you don't want to lose time, then see our next edition of the "encyclopedia from Pics.Ru in the club", this time dedicated to various hobbies, - choose your own taste.

Know and mind: a week of utility on PICS.RU 40420_3

A new hobby is boring, the soul asks something truly new and exciting? Send to hell plans, graphics, reports and start creating? Catch our manual "How to Become a Great Writer" - laid down all the shelves and revealed all the secrets of the profession! By the way, about professions: you think about changing paper and pencil on something more monumental, read the first with a dozen quarry that you will not shine in Russia, if you are a woman.

Know and mind: a week of utility on PICS.RU 40420_4
The thirst for knowledge still did not leave? Here are three beautiful text: the first - how to figure out the manifold of female modern shoes and not to call Broughey Birkenshtoks - this is a real "mega-guide", print with pictures and hang on the wall, the second - how not to lose your head in the clouds - we are specifically for you They prepared a manual on working with cloud services, - and the third - just to cut: our columnist Viktz wrote about why sometimes a pleasant twilight is more pleasant than learning. Bonus - What to do with citrus, if all the autumn colds have already won, and the semi-annual stock of the lemons-oranges-Mandarins remained.

Know and mind: a week of utility on PICS.RU 40420_5

For dessert - exciting text for a pleasant Sunday evening spell about great shipwrecks. Scientists have found out whether the Rule "Forward Women and Children" is really among the brave navigators always works? Attention, spoiler! It turned out that not everything was smooth there, so if suddenly you will gather to cross the antlait on the ship, be attentive and always remember where your life jacket lies.

Seven feet under the keel, beauty! Read and you will be happy!

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