How to keep love at a distance


How to keep love at a distance 40328_1

Sometimes in life it happens that we have to part with your second half because of life circumstances. This is a special kind of relationship, which requires sensitive control and extensive energy costs.

What is love at a distance and does it exist at all?

Relationships at a distance are a kind of checking the feelings of the pair to each other. Often this situation happens when one of the halves is required to leave for a long time. It is not necessary to despair in this case. Such relationships have both advantages and disadvantages.

The positive parties of relationships at a distance can be called:

- Check feelings for strength. In life, it happens that people just think that they love their half, sometimes it is a banal attachment, which just will pass at a distance;

- verification of a partner to loyalty;

- You will learn to appreciate every minute spent together, even for telephone conversation;

- Each meeting in life will be filled with thousands of different emotions.

Disadvantages of relationships at a distance:

- No tactile contact. Touch and smells play a huge role in relationships. Without them it will be hard to keep love at a distance;

- Excessive control due to loss of trust. A common situation when quarrels occur on the soil of jealousy, which entail unpleasant consequences;

- financial difficulties. Sometimes lovers have a sufficient amount of money on the trips to each other. It is very aggravated by the situation;

- longing. When the human body is in one city, and the heart and soul in the other, then it becomes very hard to live.

What advice to give people who still have to check the feelings of the distance?

1. Trust and give up endless surveillance with each other, it will lead to a large amount of scandals from scale.

2. Try to see more often. Let for two hours, let fleece, but such meetings will disturb the imagination and butterflies in the stomach.

3. Conduct each other as much time as possible together. Look at the same movie, discuss in what restaurant are going when you see and what kind of mugs buy in your own home. Talk more often!

4. Rejoin each other. Let it be trifles, such as a compliment by telephone, or a letter by mail, so the partner will feel necessary even at a distance.

And the main thing is not to do with each other even in the most details. Honesty and openness in relationships at a distance of success. Love and be loved!

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