How is our world?


What life boils in ocean depths? Where are the bird flying to winter? How do people live in a deaf Siberian taiga? To answer these questions, you need to either dedicate your life to science and long-range travel, or see the documentary films that we carefully selected for you.

Happy people: year in Taiga (2010), Dmitry Vasyukov

The creators of the film spent a whole year on Yenisei, in a village where people live hunting and fishing. At first glance it seems that it is impossible to live like that. The nearest policeman is 150 km, and the products bring once a week. But after a few minutes of viewing this film, you will want to quit everything and leave on Yenisei. It is there that is a real life, there are truly happy people. The film consists of four episodes (spring, summer, autumn and winter), each one.

Home (2009), Jan Artus Berrtrans

We live on the fourth of the sun of the planet, whose name is the earth. This is our house. He is alone, and there will be no other. Compared with the age of land, we, people, we only live a moment. But for this instant, allotted by us, we managed to put our unique planet on the edge of destruction. The "house" was filmed in 53 countries of the world, and its creators have repeatedly experienced pressure from the governments of different states. The producer of the film performed Luc Besson. This promises a magnificent spectacle.

Nikola Tesla - Lord of the World (2007), Vitaly True

More than a hundred years ago, a terrible explosion occurred in Siberia in Siberia in the Tunguska River. The explosive wave rebuilt the globe twice. Some call it a drop of meteorite, others - an explosion of ball lightning or even the crash of an alien spacecraft. But there is another version that it was the result of the experience of the great scientist Nikola Tesla. Many considered his superhorecom, who was born much earlier than his time. The film describes the full mysteries of the physics and his amazing experiments.

Bears (2014), Alaster Fortochil, Keith Sola

Disney Nature Studio Movie About Bear Family Travel (Mom and Two Bear). The film begins in the spring, immediately after the awakening of the bears from the hibernation. The kids under the supervision of Mom learn to live in this complex and dangerous world. Even the bear has something fear in the wild. Fascinating the adventures of the Kosolapi family pass against the background of the majestic landscapes of Alaska. We recommend this movie to view with children.

How the Universe is arranged (2010), Thorn Townland, John Ford

When a normal person begins to think about the universe and its incomprehensible scales, he begins to refuse the brain. How can it work at all? Black holes, neutron stars, countless planets and asteroids! Feel how the head got sick? Now exhale and look at the film "How the Universe is arranged." The creators of this scientific and popular film tried to explain the inexplicably inexplicable and understand how the Universe appeared.

Meerkats (2008), James Honayborn

Meerkats live there, where it would seem to be life could not. In the Kalahari Desert, the temperature can reach seventy degrees, and at night you need to escape from the cold. Meerkats are smart, restless animals, they live big families and take care of each other. Only, they can survive in harsh natural conditions and confront the cobrants, the cords or those who strive to win their home. After watching this film, you will imbued with immeasurable respect for these funny, but very bold animals.

Birds (2001), Jacques Perren, Jacques Clouzo, Michel Debo

Since childhood, we know that the birds fly to warm edges for the winter of birds. But what does this really mean? Where are these edges, and how do they get there? The film "Birds" is full of unique personnel telling about the lives of migratory birds. The first thought that occurs from watching the film: "How could this be removed?"

Oceans (2009), Jacques Perren, Jacques Clouzo

Have you ever wondered what the underwater world is? Just imagine: water takes 70% of all surfaces of the Earth, and the volume and intensity of life in the oceans is at times exceeding what we can see on land. The film "Oceans" shows the beauty of the underwater world living in their laws. The newest technologies allowed us to see what is actually hidden in the mysterious depths of the World Ocean.

Life (2011), Michael Ganton, Martha Holmes

Stunning portrait of the world of nature. From the first breath and to the last exhalation: a documentary about how our smaller brothers are born, as the path of growing and, in the end, become parents themselves. Incredible travel, permanent food search and the priest and endless struggle for existence - their life is definitely not called easy. Excellent film, shot with great love.

Microcosm (1996), Nuridsen Claude, Marie post

Imagine a huge world, where the distances are measured by millimeters, where surprising creatures live, where ordinary rain becomes a destructive natural element. This is an immense microworld, which is under our feet and on the existence of which we do not even think. Landscapes are unusual, and life is saturated. There is a feeling that this is a parallel reality or other planet. The shooting is just amazed, and after all the film was shot was almost twenty years ago.

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