Small woman


Miscellaneous ... Women are very different, and no matter how they forg your "cute" weaknesses to them, sometimes there are really unbearable representatives of weak gender.

Men say (and we agree with them), which is hard to live with women - hystericals, which are becoming at any occasion, roll up scandals on an empty place, arrange demonstration performances and turn family life into a nightmare. Men say that women-bitch are damn adorable in the first months of dating and even marriage, but soon their manipulation of manipulation and intrigue without necessity begins to be annoying and withdraw. Women are "charming what kind of fools" too sooner or later become tedious, and the fact that at the very beginning was perceived as "charming children's directness" turns out to be ordinary nonsense. But, honest noble, all these "unbearable" female types, as well as those that we will not list due to their diversity, which is a trifle compared to the "stuffy woman." The man was lucky, who escaped meetings with her or was not attractive for her. After all, the "stuffy woman" never misses the one who seems to her a suitable object for her sticky and oppressive love. She dugs into him with her thin pale fingers, drags him into the hummut of his "defenseless" look, sticks to his "endless devotion", entangle "true love" and soul, stifling, stifling ...

She always seeks to be close.

Every second!!! You have long been afraid to go home, because you know - there you will not be allowed to stay alone. She will meet you with an expression of dog devotion on the face and your favorite meatballs that you have already hated. She will sit near, while you're chewing the damn meatballs, look with moutigation, sigh and constantly correct something from clothes on you. And from all this, including meatballs, you will be sick. You will try to hide in the bedroom, in the shower, in the toilet, in the end, so that at least to stay alone at least, but she will climb into your bed, shower or stand under the door of the sorter, and sigh tight.

If you are visiting, she always hangs on you

In general, you don't care if it makes it in order to identify the ownership of you or because it is really scary in the company, even familiar. You're already accustomed to and reconcile with the fact that she joins your hand and wherever you go, makes it dragging. Your friends are also accustomed to and no longer look at you mockingly, but solely with pity and understanding.

She constantly does it! Constantly forces you to feel bastard.

You will feel the real scoundrel, if you suddenly go somewhere without it. Because it will not prove the word that against, she will not even bother you with calls and SMS, but just writes once: "I feel so bad without you" and that's it. The evening went the shock. You will think that she sits there alone near the window, looks at the road and waiting for your silhouette next to the entrance. The horrity is that she really sits and waiting. And her view at the same time, like an abandoned docking station in the railway station. In general, to hell with these parties with buddies - you need to run home.

It needs regular verbal confirmation of your love.

No, you are not a tear and not Macho - the phrase "I love you" for you is not pubed. But how much can you? BUT? "Do you love me? Well, tell me, say, do you like to love? You love me, "she puts out with a frequency of every five minutes. Well, you have already read it out loud all the verses of love, wrote with a dozen passionate letters and put a timer to send gentle sms every hour from work. But she is not enough! "After all, you love me?", "She pulls you out of an important meeting with their call and you, as a obedient slave, answer. "Yes. I love you very much". And try not to answer, or there reset the call ... She will be taken with his legs in the chair and will be quietly crying, one, unfortunate, unloved and rejected. Float - know.

She is tactful to disgust.

Once you liked it. And sex with her was suspended and passionate. But now her tactile hunger became unbearable. At home, visiting, on the street, in the supermarket she touches you all the time. And God forbid God to ask her to move away. Will move away - yes. But her eyes will be like a wounded bug. Sleeping with her is unbearable, because she demands to do it exclusively in an embrace, and if you accidentally turned back to her, that means "sobered." And, it turns out, tomorrow will again be this debt borough view, and possibly tears.

She crying so sorry that I want to die.

Silently, without hysterics, no complaints, without explanation of the reasons. Just sitting in a corner, squeezing into the ball, and tears quietly flow on her cheeks. Well, why explain the reasons? And so clear. It's you, Gadin, is to blame in her endless grief. It's you - the cattle, Edak, did not call back, stayed at work, did not say for the hundredth time as you missed her, I forgot that you have a great holiday today - the day of the first joint campaign to Ashan, so on. Her pose, her silence, her trembling shoulders are all completely unbearable. And you understand that you need to hug, press to yourself, regret - but every time you want to do less and less. But more and more I want to press. That's just nothing.

She "dissolves" in you completely.

She has nothing. All her life is you. Even if it works or busy with a couple of children, all this for her in a tenth place. Only you, your interests, are your business, your hobby and your life have the meaning for her. She remembers the names of all your colleagues, the date of birth of all your relatives quotes your phrases and jokes (which finds sincerely ridiculous, by the way) and at any second can attend your medical card or resume. She skillfully prepares your favorite dishes, dress up to look attractive for you and just for you and never argue with you. Here, tell me who will envy. But for some reason you are stuffy from all this. Well, at least the barrel to the wall in the wall threw, honestly!

She is absolutely nothing to present.

The main thing, in contrast to the hysterical, bitch and fool nothing to present. After all, she is such a dot. She is good, modest, gentle and needs your defense. She does not require anything, on the contrary, sacrificing and obedient. She performs ... Even worse ... Prevails any of your desires and for all you are ready for everything. Actually, this is exactly what fascinated you at one time. It was her helplessness that made you get up with her next and put her shoulder to her shoulder - "Oh, my girl." But now you have nothing to breathe, but it is no longer possible to free themselves. Because it "if you throw me, I will die" does not seem to you with an ordinary metaphor. Lucky! After all, take and die. With it will be.

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