8 places on your body that would not hurt to wash more often


Fast shower to good will not bring. When you go in the evening in the bathroom, remember this article and spend the inspection - you are not so clean, as it seemed to you.

This is a real happy bacteria farm (there is dark, warm and humid - just do not conditions, but I don't want a dream, I don't want to grow), the warehouse of the flock from all your ten sweaters, and on the bottom it can easily rest the sand from the Thai beach, on which you zhul in February. So clean it all with a cotton wand at least once a week, well.

For ears

If you don't wash your head every day, then there is not very clean. Do not be surprised if pimples suddenly begin to appear - well, or my ears, even if the hair is still fresh.


If prosperous bacteria live in the navel, then the language is a microbial Beverly Hills. In the language stuck a bit from everything - in general everything is what falls into your mouth. So the intricacies of bacteria is enough. Worst of all things are not on the upper surface of the language (it is regularly cleaning them with a special scraper), and on the sides (this part is almost all ignored).


Yes, we wash your hair - but not always the skin. Particles of dead epidermis, droplets of styling, dust - all this accumulates on the scalp, clogs the pores and leads to the appearance of very unpleasant pimples. So all this needs to score at least once a month - either intense massage during a bomb, or a special scrub for the scalp.

Between your fingers

It is there that the same characteristic smell is born. Not on the heels, no. We are silent that the increased humidity, the lack of air, friction and bacteria is an explosive cocktail.


Another hotbed of the microbes and one of the main perpetrators of winter medium epidemics. ORZ is often transmitted not to air-drip, but by everyday. Even if you wash your hands, you probably do it wrong. Let's check: you need to wash your hands at least 20 seconds, with soap, cleaning space under the nails, and then wipe dry.


Spin on the back - the phenomenon is terribly unpleasant, but deserved. To get to the spine with a washcloth can only the strong spirit of yoga adepts. The rest remains to find yourself a washcloth with a long handle.


No, we are confident that you walked everything there - only again, probably wrong. Irritation on the buttocks often arises because you first wash your body, and then your hair, and you also use air conditioning. Then dirty water with air conditioning flows into the buttocks, the micro-droplets of the air conditioner are blocked by the mouth of the hair follicles and you get a scatter of red dots. Do not do it this way.

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