What repair work to spend yourself, and what to trust the masters


Turnkey repair is expensive, because the masters are engaged in all of themselves: remove the wallpaper and laminate, bred wiring, paint walls and ceilings, installed plumbing. If you take a piece of work on yourself, it will be possible to save. We understand what you can do on your own, but what better to entrust professionals.

Make yourself

With some repair work it is easy to cope yourself

If you have never kept a spatula and roller in your hands, do not mind everything at once. Such an approach will cost more than a professional brigade services - if only because you will spend more materials, and still time and nerves. Start with the fact that it is not scary to spoil or easily remake.

Get yourself with a tire or cap, several pairs of building and rubber gloves, respirator. Work in clothes that closes the skin as much as possible.

Remove the old finish. Breaking - do not build: tear off the walls and blur the paint on the ceiling will be able to a person without experience in repair. Disassemble the flooring is more complicated - tools, physical strength and caution will be useful here.

Strint surface. Cover the walls and ceilings with primer simply: it will take a roller, gloves, staircase and primer. What a wizard will say: it depends on the surface and future finishes. The surfaces are coated with a primer into one layer in front of different layers of the finishing "cake".

Watch that the primer does not get on the skin and hair: it causes skin irritation. If she still focused on her hand or got under the shock, immediately rinse with water.

Ask to add a koler in the paint in the store to get the same color as on samples

Paint the ceiling and walls. Painting the walls is simpler. With ceilings more difficult, because you have to work on the stairs with the arms raised.

Usually walls and ceiling color in two layers. The result depends on the quality of paint. Good materials do not give proper and spots. Ask the masters, which it is better to choose - prompt.

There will be no problems with white paint. If you want color, ask to add a kel in the store in the store - it will be more accurate coincidence on shades in different banks than when the tinting is manually. Before applying paint, mix it so that the color is uniformly distributed.

Put in order batteries and doors. If you do not plan to change batteries and wooden, repaint them with your own hands. Collect the surface with sandpaper, boot and apply paint.

Please note that the batteries need heat-resistant paint. Usually they write on banks that it is suitable for heating radiators.

Glued wallpaper is not so difficult, as it seems

Stick wallpaper. Working with wallpaper is not as easy as with paint, but this is not the most difficult part of the repair. Usually two people need for such a job: one cuts the roll on the sheets and lubricates them with glue, the other sticks them onto the walls. Before starting work, read on the Internet, as it is done, see a few videos. If you doubt your power, entrust this work to the masters: they will cope faster.

Place outdoor coverage. Linoleum and carpet man will cope without experience in repair work. Laminate is harder: it needs to be trimmed, and some species are also sick. If you are not sure about your abilities, transfer this task to the masters.

To improve the old chair, it will take paint on wood, cloth and furniture stapler

Renote the old furniture. Often, the furniture is changed during the repair. It is logical, but it is expensive. You can extend your life to the old cabinet, a servant, a chest or a bedside table, if you show a creative approach. On the Internet, many master classes and ideas on the alteration of furniture - look, suddenly change your mind to buy something new.

Trust the masters

What repair work to spend yourself, and what to trust the masters 40285_5

Masters trust complicated works for which experience and special knowledge needed. It is unlikely to take on them to save themselves: either you will spend more materials, or get the wrong result for which they were calculated. That's what you should instruct the masters.

Electrician installs outlets. Source: mastera-remonta.com.

Electrician. Master-electrician explores the apartment wire, install automata, sockets, switches and lamps. It will ensure that the wiring corresponds to the quality and safety standards. It is not worth saving on its services: you can get a blow to the current during operation or sparkling wiring - after.

Plumbing. Master Plumber will change water supply and sewage pipes, install plumbing devices. It takes into account what pipes and fittings to use what should be the type of pipe wiring. Trust experienced specialists - largely depends on whether you will have to eliminate the effects of the flood in the apartment.

Malar plasterers lines the wall under painting. Source: mastera-remonta.com.

Black finish. The quality of the screed and plaster on the walls depends on how long the trim will last and how well it will look like. Without experience with the mixtures, it is not easy to cope with the leveling of surfaces. An experienced master will prepare the mixture in the correct proportion, quickly and smoothly separates the floor and walls, will not allow the recalculation of materials.

Stretch and suspended ceilings. To install the tension ceiling with your own hands - the task is practically unreal. Here you need experience and specialized equipment, and therefore a brigade of installers. Suspended ceilings made of drywall also should be entrusted to the masters: they neatly align the surface, give it any shape, install built-in lamps and backlight.

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Tile. Tile and porcelain stoneware are one of the most difficult materials in the work. A person who works with them for the first time is difficult to do without chips or uneven seams. Therefore, we recommend finding an experienced tiler, which gently put the tile and does not oversee the material.

Dear coatings. Parquet and parquet board are difficult, because they require perfectly smooth floor. With epoxy pitfall floors, it is also necessary to work carefully: if you break the technology, the result will not be the one that was waiting. Venetian plaster is also easy to spoil. Hire masters for working with expensive materials - they will cope without expensive mistakes.

Doors and windows. Install the doors and windows yourself difficult: need special skills and physical strength. If you do it wrong, it will be cold in the apartment - the air from the street will fall through the slots between the window frame and the walls, under the windowsill. From the entrance will also pull damp and cold. Interior doors can hardly open or, on the contrary, close. So that such problems do not occur, order the installation with windows and doors.

The CEO of Artem Ladwig's master repair company says that in the desire to make part of the repairs in the apartment there is nothing wrong with their own hands: on the contrary, it's great when the owners apply her hand to the future interior. The main thing is to approach the question practical. Decide that you will definitely do yourself, and take it on yourself. If you feel that experience is missing - pass the task to the masters. So save money, time and strength.

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