The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time


The first phrase of the book is obliged to be flawless. It should immediately capture the reader's attention, promise him to fascinating reading and instantly immerse in the atmosphere of text. It's like that. But the final is much more important. He, as a farewell handshake of friends, must be confident, strong, smart and slightly sad.

Here is such, for example.

A. Miln, "Winnie the Pooh and everything is all"

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_1

And they went. But wherever they come and whatever happen to them on the road, here in the enchanted place on the top of the hill in the forest, the little boy will always always play with his bearish.

S. King, "Green Mile"

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We all deserved death, without exception, I know it, but sometimes, God, the green mile is too long.

S. Dovlatov, "Solo on Underwood"

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_3

Everyone is interested in what will happen there after death? After death begins - history.

M. Sholokhov, "Silent Don"

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_4

He stood at the goal of his native house, he kept his son on his hands ... It was all that he had in his life, which was still relative to him with the Earth and with all this huge, shining under the cold sun.

A. Tolstoy, "Aelita"

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_5

Voice Aelita, love, eternity, voice longing, flies throughout the universe, calling, calling, clearing, - where are you, where are you, love? ..

J. Orwell, Bottom Dvor

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_6

The remaining outside translated views from pigs to people, from people to pigs, again and again they peered into the faces of those and others, but it was already impossible to determine who is who.

Marquez, "Nobody writes to the Colonel"

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_7

Colonel felt invincible when clearly and clearly replied: - Shit!

S. Fitzdgerald, "Great Gatsby"

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_8

"So we are trying to swim forward, struggling with the flow, and it all demolides and demolides our checked back to the past"

I. Ilf and E. Petrov, "Golden Calf"

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"Do not need ovations! Count Monte Cristo from me did not come out. We will have to retracted in the governor. "

Joan Rowling, Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_10

Scar did not have nineteen years old.

J. Orwell, "1984"

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_11

All is well, now everything is fine, the struggle ended. He won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.

M. Bulgakov, "White Guard"

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_12

All will pass. Suffering, flour, blood, hunger and mor. The sword will disappear, but the stars will remain when the shadows of our bodies and affairs will not remain on earth. There is not a single person who would not know that so why don't we want to draw your gaze on them? Why?

M. Mitchell, "Gone by the Wind"

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I'll think about all this tomorrow, in Tara. Then I can ... After all, tomorrow will be another day.

V. Pelevin, "S.N.U.F.F."

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_14

Everything, there is no more time. I say goodbye. Manitu, I hope I did my job well.

D. KIZ, "Flowers for Ergerenon"

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P.P.S. If you have the opportunity, please post a little colors on the grave of Ellernon that in the backyard ...

A. Lindgren, "Kid and Carlson"

The best final phrases of the greatest books of all time 40284_16

Let everything be lit with fire, and we are singing with you: uh, boss, bouss, pool, bissing, and rest. Let Toko Buns carry on her birthday to us. And we will arrange me here, boss, buses, kaput, bissance and taramos.

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