New Year's party in your apartment. Survival allowance



So, you're on a drunken head, or in a state of affect, I decided to invite your favorite friends for the new year to my home. So what? There are many places, people are good, and in general "I love guests." In fact, "little", "bad", "do not love." But this awareness will come closer to the morning of January. Unless, of course, do not minimize risks in advance.

one. Remember that it's never too late to move and cancel the party. You can rush from the roof, lie down under the train, getting ebolo, in the end. Any of these options is much safer, cheaper and excellent nerves.

2. Buy disposable dishes. And one-time tablecloth. To then complete the remnants of Olivier, dried cheese, an overtooed wing and a tolik, and everyone to throw out one feather. Yes, it is not alive. But very convenient.

3. Loan guests early. Under the innocent pretext "Dress up the Christmas tree". Guests must arrive not at 22-00, but at about half a day. Then two people will dress up the Christmas tree, and the rest cut Olivier. Profit!

four. Remove all beating. Everything that can crash will definitely break. In principle, it will be broken down and the fact that it cannot be broken even in theory, but we can always return to paragraph 1.

five. You must have two (better three) variants of a stunning New Year's dress. And they all have to hang down in full combat readiness. Because on the first outfit, the drops of something fat in the first half hour.

6. Each guest must report in advance the number of other guests and their names. For guests to bring, signed and put together cute little things under the Christmas tree. First, this is an entertainment that does not require an explosion of the brain. And, secondly, it can be very funny if the guests are not familiar with each other in advance.

7. As part of the invited must be extroverts-exhibitionists. They will tell a hundred thousand anecdotes, fifty thousand very funny (well, or how it turns out) stories from their unique life and get rid of you from the need to maintain a secular conversation ten hours in a row.

eight. Twentytile pelvis lettuce will not eaten!

nine. You must have a waste path when they got drunk and sing karaoke, and you dream of a silence and a pillow. And even if they finished singing - rejoice early: experienced drunken guests can cause a taxi for four hours in a row, and unsuccessfully. The perfect option is Nora somewhere nearby, where you can wage and fall asleep. In extreme cases, a separate room and huge earplugs.

10. No matter how hard it was, remember: fate does not give us more than we can bear. Sooner or later, all these most beloved in the world people will drive out of your home nafig!

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