What repels a man already on the first date


What repels a man already on the first date 40262_1

If women fail to achieve relationships with a man after the first meeting, then the reasons are written in this article why a woman cannot meet men after the first date.

1. Undust. This moment is very important because men love their eyes. There are women who care for themselves, but still can not be said that they are well-groomed. This may be due to the fact that a woman has no money for expensive cosmetics and she has to use cheap, but not quite high quality. Therefore, you should not save on cosmetics and clothing.

2. The woman is very arrogant. Men attracts mysteriousness in women, but not arrogance. Do not try too hard, as men might think that a woman is too proud and entered.

3. Women want to show themselves smarter than men. Suppose a smart woman, but you should not wonder the man with your knowledge on the first date. After all, he can begin a complex of inferiority and this will scare him.

4. Women are too open. Of course, it is not necessary to be very secretive, but this does not mean that you need to report all the details of your life, especially about past relations. Sometimes there are things about which it is better not to tell.

5. Women look vulgar. Many women try to flirt, but should be taken into account that a subtle approach is needed. Sometimes women replay and show that they are vulgar.

6. Women are too intrusive. A man is by nature a hunter and his goal to achieve an impregnable fortress. After all, each woman can be compared with the fortress. You can compare it with an adventure or game where you need to get to the fortress that carefully guard. Therefore, inaccessible women are interested in hunters, and affordable and obsessive women are considered uninteresting.

7. Women are too talkative. Do not talk too much. The man should also insert at least a few replicas.

8. Woman is too stupid and frivolous. It is necessary that the woman find the balance between nonsense and an emergency mind. Men do not like too smart or stupid women.

9. Rough women and swear by mat. Men like intelligent, brought up and intelligent women. And the rudeness and abnormative vocabulary does not attract it. Especially it is outraged by a woman who swears with a mat.

10. The woman is susceptible to harmful habits. A woman abuses alcohol. The picture will not be very beautiful if the woman is drunk and in addition to combine all previous items.

Women smoke. Now smoke many, including women. Men make men with this, but it does not mean that they like when women smoke.

If a woman found one or more habits in herself, she needs to work on himself, to meet a man of his dreams and make a serious relationship with him.

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