10 heroes who underestimated


A secondary hero is a sentence. Nobody will love him, of course, he is secondary, and hence, not the very person, rather - the speaking head. Well, in any case, the scriptwriters think so. And we do not think so. We think that some of the heroes of the second plan stand the major. These are these, for example.

Gardemarin Olenev

With the talking surname Gardemarine. Because the actor Shevelkova was just the same deer eyes. So in the plot thought - we had to regret it. It type is very unhappy. For fun five minutes, Gardenaryarin suffered about his illegality, but then he showed himself, huh? Break, nehall and well brought up. And beautiful, yes. It is completely incomprehensible, why the Star of Yaguzhinskaya and the Big Sofa did not upgrade the paths, struggling for the attention of the Wola Olenev. He is so cooler than wooden white and hysterical korsak combined. After the mad success of the first part, the scriptwriters realized their feyl, and invented the hero with a love line, but the actors were replaced. We do not believe! Not our deer. Singlepamily, probably.

Vanya Fedoskin

Here is a real, the right Soviet guy. Wideworm and smiling honest worker. Merchant and soul company. The guitar plays, again. It is asked how such a man could be exchanged on a slit backbone of nonzero, with a cat's figure, squeezing on the tray? We are told that Vanya, they say, too much suppressed his woman. The doctors - she's a spit, as she wanted. It is so - the air shake. But Polina he sincerely loved. And Nestor Petrovich loved to climb into someone else's personal life, rude to women and older people, as well as publicly humiliate girls who showed sympathy to him. And he threw Polina at all - too smart because. Here and it was necessary to shout "Vanya, I am yours forever!". And otherwise it is not true!


According to the plan of the screenwriter - a boring mouflon with the cooks of a novice home-made tyrant. By the way, Oleg Basilashvili was approved for this role, but was forced to refuse family circumstances. Very sorry. Maybe be hippolyte others, we would understand a lot. For example, we would understand how to fall in love with an infantile alcoholic, which is wanted in a foreign house with a stranger and runs there without pants. Thank you for the sofa without blossom. But, since Ippolita played the artist Yakovlev, we refuse to understand something. I did not work at Yakovleva a negative character, an impressive handsome man turned out, noble, moreover, quite. And Nadia throws this beautiful in all respects of man for the sake of a unwrapped loser-bruised life? Vital, cho (sign "sarcasm")

Dr. Robert Chase

This handsome offended all the way - and every time it is incomprehensible, for some kind of simpler. Well, okay, once it is clear: he was taught on his own boss, which, of course, Ay-Yai-Yai. But the remaining 175 episodes of the poor Chase took the fact that he is a Australian, for the fact that he is a handsome and for the fact that he does not like fat (you can not love only handsome and Australians, a clear thing). Then he was married to hysteric, prone to moral formation, after which he tragically spread without any reason. And that's it. Nobody loved him anymore. Moreover, he is the only definitely positive hero. We also knew that everyone was lying. Especially scripts.

Gale from hungry games

In this film, so many typically Hollywood stamping, which we decided to treat the unexpected turn, probably. No, no, the heroine does not yet think to return his youthful love, but it even marries the strangers, with whom she does not bind anything other than the memories of the dozen corpses. Also stamp, say? But not quite. A good boy Geila Kitniss was to prefer a bad boy pit. But Pete is also a good boy. Suddenly! Focus, however, did not work, and Petya while unsuccessfully trying to make bad things, but from him the villain, sorry, like from the shit bullet. So it turns out that a very, very good boy exchanged the most. What for?!

Edgar Linton

"Thunderstorm Pass" - Roman Classic, so tells us about everything immediately. Including how silly girls choose wild and non-patious boys. And also the "thunderstorm pass" is the first and only novel of Emily Bronte, so each hero got in full. Here Edgar, for example, could be unrequited to fall in love with Catherine and suffer. And we would sympathize and dreamed of being on the site of the heroine - well, to make it the right choice. Alas, alas. Catherine still came out for him, and the hero was even happy for some time. And then, the Rukreb on the full program - treason, hysterics, that's all. Ruthless they are aunt, these English writers. Meaningless merciless.

King Arthur

Lady Guinevers kidnaps the villain, but the brave Lancelot saves her. And immediately feeling, immediately passion! But the lady, you know, still wants to be a queen, and not the wife of some kind of knight, albeit even approximate. Therefore, she comes out of the king, but also the knight holds somewhere nearby. The knight, a clear case, suffers from the choice - whether Suzera is betrayed, whether their own aspirations. At the end of the film, the king of Arthur heroically dies, the widow will finally float and reunite, finally, with Lancelot. According to the plan of the authors of the film - it is a Heppi End. That is, they hint - the heroine is happy that she got a sleek ferret Richard Gir. Instead of magnificent Sean Connery. She is weak, or what?

Jacob Blake

It is very correct that this guy is a Wolf-Wolf. Not a tiger, for example. Because the wolf is almost a dog, and Jacob hold all the way on a short leash. His task is to save Bella from terrible dangers, entertain her when it is bored, wipe her snot and drool and in general in every possible way to reptiles, depicting the best friend. And at that time it will whine how much in love with another. Do you know why we all so want to introduce Lichiko Bella with a shovel? Because each of us was such a friend - well, when we were small fools. And now we are ashamed of course. And the peel is a pity - it was necessary to so much in this impassable Pubertat.

Robert Kincaid

The housewife from the American province keeps its externally prosperous existence - with an unloved husband, a couple of charming kids and a stripped lawn. Do you already want to cry? U.S. too. Hold on, now you are drowning. Because then Clint Eastudes appears. Clint Eastwood himself! It appears to say - throw everything, drove with me. And she does not go. Sorry, we will not write anything else, because we have fingers numb from such nonsense. Only the index is inflicted - which is customary to turn the temple.

Zigzag McCryak

The magnificent hero, whom everyone appreciated, but no one has not yet admitted. And we are not ashamed to admit that we sincerely and gently loved this idiot. The whole female part of the editor of PICs adored him. Because he is a handsome man and lucky Sukin Son is once. And two is the goodness and each other. And three - it's not a womanizer. And the fact that no sheltered duck did not like him - this is for the better, you know. Nothing here! In line, Mallard!

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