How to get out the winner of the middle-aged crisis


How to get out the winner of the middle-aged crisis 40251_1

Middle-aged crisis is still trouble. There are no lung crises, all of them are sufficiently exhausting, taking place for sick places provoking. As a rule, a middle-aged crisis occurs in women suddenly. Yesterday yesterday everything was fine, everyone arranged everything, and today life seems to turn off the heads on the head! Many for some reason are convinced that middle-aged crisis lies only men. No, unfortunately, it is not. And the female half of the population also suffers from this "attack".

How can the crisis of the mid life be shown? He begins closer to 40 years. A woman who also looks hardly 25, and it seems that quite achieving certain success in personal and professional spheres, suddenly realizes that she is missing something. No, again, on the one hand, everything is in place, but on the other - how little is achieved, and only 40 soon! Horror, panic, disorientation! A woman begins to look for signs of approaching old age ... Somewhere wrinkle, somewhere an extra kilogram ... In general, she is pleased with what it looks like, but the number 40 scares, they fight off from her, as from flies, you do not want to take it and get acquainted with her ! What was so interested yesterday, today can already annoy and not deliver such pleasure.

How to get out the winner of the middle-aged crisis 40251_2

We look around and unwittingly compare what the peers and you are achieved. Often it begins to seem that all the best, interesting is already behind, and then only aging, inevitability, problems ...

If a woman with health is all right, it is in mind first of all the state of the endocrine system, the crisis proceeds more smoothly. The presence of any problems with this sphere may complicate the course of the crisis period. This is not a climax, however, the problems, for example, with the thyroid gland, exacerbate emotions and feelings ...

Oh, these emotions!

If the children have already grown, the woman faces another problem: when you need to let go of my son or daughter to freedom. And it does not always happen without darling. Safety in the form of personal hobbies is what saves from depression in this case and not only.

The focus only on one family, as a rule, presents unpleasant surprises. Siblings begin their lives, and mother do not know what to do next than to take themselves. In the case when children are still small, middle-aged crisis can proceed not so painful. After all, there is a stimulus move on, to keep himself in his hands. Of course, no one will give 100% guarantees that this option will work. However, small children, as a rule, lead to a woman from depressive thoughts and moods.

How to get out the winner of the middle-aged crisis 40251_3

The crisis affects the relationship with his spouse. If everything is not so smooth, an explosion may happen or something like that. Do not rub off your shoulder! Do not rush to change everything, leave, break. Wait a little, observe, designate what annoys what I do not like, does not suit and think how to fix it, improve, rehabilitate ...

Where is the salvation and is it?

Of course have! First, it is worth trying to calm yourself the fact that many people pass through the middle-aged crisis. This is not a tragedy, although uncomfortable. Find in your life what makes you happy, which brings you a sense of satisfaction: children, work, hobbies, travel, and so on. Let me be sure to have what belongs to you! If there is no such, find it!

How to get out the winner of the middle-aged crisis 40251_4

Look inside yourself. Allow yourself from time to time to be easy, carefree, funny, sexy ... at least half an hour and hour per week. If you missed something, make sure that you have a pleasant passion in the form of classes that bring positive emotions, relaxation, relaxation and buzz.

Try to think about good, do not be risen, do not lose the joy of being.

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