Do you know what your name is your inner mongol?


They say, there are people absolutely whole, which behave equally in any situation, regardless of anything. Believe. I envy. But however, most of us are typical of time from time to time unpredictable things. It is strange, but, in general, great. And this means that each of us is a separate world in which completely different people live.

Your inner finn

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It is usually waking up on the days of the full, quiet and not overshadowed by Deadline. Inner Finn is a middle-hearted person, indigrant and home. He wants a dozen children, their own farm, cows, horses, a new tractor, and in the evenings, returning home from the fields, heened to drink Finnish vodka and bite the Finnish serel. The inner finn like full, smiling and severity women. Disputes and conflicts inner Finn does not like, but if necessary, beats immediately and death. Well, what to mess around?

Inner Mongol.

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It comes unexpectedly without visible reasons, but as a warning about the coming change. Inner Mongol is a mysterious man, filled with cosmic wisdom and a little bit similar to Grebenshchikov in his youth. The view of the inner mongol is solid, gestures smooth, smooth breathing. Mongol women are not interested, money too. He simply exists. Maybe you will be in old age? How to know.

Inner French

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Iriv, flirting, exquisitely careless in clothing and enjoys the continued success in women. Still would! After all, he is a raplet with clever compliments and elegant punges, wonderfully dancing, disassembled in wines and painting. He is drunk herself, the most darling loved and is ready for a small pleasant adventure. He also blows up and loves to get into the bar just for the sake of a fight. Wakes up your inner Frenchman usually in spring, when there is a charming girl, there is enough money on a credit card to reduce her to dance in a good club, and life, in general, succeeded.

Internal Englishman

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Smole, sarcastic, in manners are restrained, on the words of a storm. In the first place for him, debt and honor, everything else on the place is hundredsmatic. He is committed to tradition and principled to disgust. Emotions demonstrate extremely rarely and knows exactly what he wants from life. From life, he wants world domination, a hunting dog, a good car and a silent wife. Alas, this arrogant cattle wakes up extremely rare, although to communicate with the authorities, subordinate, cops and concierge Zinaida, the seed is suitable for others.

Inner American.

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Wajered, talking, generous, boastful, loves to drink and tell bearded jokes. In general, it is a creature rather ridiculous and self-satisfied. It is manifested immediately after a successful deal or winnings, it is placed on all sides with unfamiliar blondes and fell into the club until the morning. There, this stupid Yankees first goes away, then climbs into a fight, after a fight climbs to be bridged, orders all beer and chips and hugs with guards. It is absolutely impossible to keep the inner American from the stupid Americans, it can only be supplied to the trial and put to sleep. In the morning it is usually not refundable.

Inner Jew

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Comes immediately after the Americans to fake balance. After having a balance, he grabs his head and grieves. In his grief, the inner Jew is unbearable, in its ability to save and burst unconnemed. Inner Jew is developing a ten-year survival strategy for ten years, puts you on a diet, strikes out a taxi, fitness, vacation in Malta and new socks. And he is very careless with women. "Coast to McDonalds. And it is better to Navver, what fell ill, and let her herself come to you with broth and cakes, "- I find your abram to your abmo, and you understand that Abram is right! However, the one is happy to whom the inner Jew comes on time, but not delayed for a long time. Everything is good in moderation.

Inner Gypsy

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Guitar, roads, hiking, tents, youth carefree and crazy - that's all he. But the older you become, the less you allow the inner Roma to charge yourself. However, he did not go anywhere. Gypsy will wake up when you will not have the strength to be "smart and prudent" when your wear will seem to you in hearing, and the world will turn into prison. It is he who can push you on care from work, ridiculous downshifting, moving from Moscow to Uryupinsk or divorce. Remember that you will be not easy to shook the gypsies back to the "Kibitka". Dangerous he. Mustache and free.

Inner Brazilot

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Inner brazilian is saturated with testosterone, like a crook spicy sauce. He dramatically wakes up with a particularly sexy maiden or after a pair of tequila latch in a strip club, spreads his shoulders and other places and whisper penetrately: "Dude, and not to fool up"? Hold it unrealistic, don't you want. After all, when the brazilians are loose in you, all women have your feet, the whole world looks like a carnival, and you are the king of the world. It is a pity that the guy is lacking for a long time: blown on the side.

Inner Havaeman

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Furious, unlobs and cheerful, he is chosen out there, where you can be yourself, to twist, smile, and behave like a complete but happy idiot. This is your inner boiler wearing colored shirts and boxers in polka dots, yelling a song about the "Belogriti Horses" song, pisses from the balcony and triggered with a neighboring Bolon. He is truth cool. But it is not necessary to see his chief, subordinates and head of the country cooperative. They will definitely not understand.

Photo: Shutterstock (1-6, 8-9), (7)

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