All harmful - a little useful


The greatest injustice of the Universe is that everything is pretty necessarily harmful. This is a bit compensated by the fact that the Universe gave us a brain, with a developed ability to self-defense. Therefore, we learned to find the benefit of where it would seem to find it impossible. And "not for joy, and for conscience" let Savva Ignatich live.

Eat in the evening

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Yes, yes, we, too, and once heard a promsion about the "dinner of the enemy", as well as the anecdote that Penguins are swallows that ate after six. But, by the way, to go to bed hungry harmful: the body is shocked and then desperately saving calories on "heavy times" at a convenient case. So the chicken nutritionists are allowed in the evening, we honestly arrived! And the Internet will not lie.

Read lying

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You just want to relax as a person, and here you and the chest shifts, and the blood circulation is broken, and the eye muscles are weakening - in general, even though in the coffin lie immediately and there already read in bed. Well, no, let the weak spirit refuse the beloved ritual. And we will somehow neutralize it. Or submit 35 centimeters to the eye, or open Lion Nikolayevich on some kilometer French paragraph to smarmer quickly.

Take a convenient pose

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Who sits at the computer smooth, like cypress, legs no legs, it doesn't bake in the cold - he, of course, three times the hero, let her put on his order and will die away on the white unicorn. A non-profitable person is more convenient to be in a more natural, well, more harmful, yes, condition. And for some reason, this naturalness does not at all towards harmony with nature, but even even in the other side, to all sorts of osteochondrosis and others like them. The physiotherapist claims that it is necessary to put the place of the fitball chair: it simply can not sit in the wrong way. But if you put a hidden camera near the computer of this very physiotherapist, you can learn a lot of interesting and unexpected.


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Saturday and Sunday are the only days in the week, when you can not explode like a mad tube. But here, the gadan scientists spoil all the raspberries: they say, and daily rhythms are knocked down, and the metabolism is broken, and in general the body is intended. It is important to find the right scientists who will say that a longer sleep on the weekend reduces the risk of diabetes, hypertension, strokes and heart attacks. The correctly selected scientist is our everything.


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In general, we talk about extra kilograms in the world where there is a strawberry cheesecake, it is somehow even a little indecent. Well, yes, the cake is eaten in seconds, and the simulator takes the clock. But glucose is very useful for the brain!


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When no longer remains for the strength to look at a white muck under the window and covered with pieces of wool, give up the foliarity for at least a week on the sands of the sun. But the savvy envious tapes are tuned by something correct, but very nasty about weakening immunity from the drops from -10 B +25 per one-only week. So there are no problems. We will go for three weeks. And another week of the house then there is a pour, acclimatization because. You can put a picture with a photo of a scientist, which claims all the diseases from stress in advance. And the work and winter are two such stress that they can do one alone, we are already silent about in the complex.


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Turning out of pale toadstools in a vigorous chocolate - this is such a buzz! And they: wrinkles, melanoma ... yeah. And Vitamin D will produce Pushkin, the stall snow is listed. A lightning person is better not to frow wrinkles: bone tissue has already managed to strengthen, and the nerves are still not very.

To take a bath

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When after a hard day you can fall in warm water, you begin to suspect, from what the word "Nirvana" happened - there is clearly another letter "N". In the cold, nothing will be confused - neither clothes or batteries. But here on the poor tired body, softening from pleasure, attacks terrible horrible dangerous chlorine - and all over the surface. And some regular cleverness from science is waving a treatise on the harmful connection of hot water and the heart. So we are 20 minutes, no more. And the filter will be delivered, damn with you. Just got off, let me start the driver and do not be in me Carryodon.

Loud listen to music

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There are such days that if you do not see anything rhythmic and cheerful - you will not wake up. Here, of course, they resort, knock on the wall and put the statistics about the deterioration of hearing and problems with the vestibular apparatus, which kost lovers of heavy music. We do not know anything, look at Robert Plata: When you look like a quiet one at seventy, then you will tell you something quiet, but inspiring.


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Well begins ... It is necessary to approach the question rationally. First, it is a fee for fitness (count how much the CMs on the corridors and the halls of the shopping centers are wound), secondly, for psychotherapy (during the shopping, a hormone is released) and, thirdly, for trainings (shopping and memory improves, we are good Google said). Considered? Right! We also save!


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Well, from all sides it is harmful, as you neither cool: even from the filter, even on the reverse side. That's what you need to answer the poor smoking room with all these healthy bore? Above this question, science still works, but we believe in it. So someday Michinurians scratch tobacco with Brussels, for example, cabbage. And everyone will hurry to study smoking. Yes.

Photo: shutterstock

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