8 obvious signs that man is not yours


8 obvious signs that man is not yours 40234_1

It's not easy to find my soulthers. It is necessary to pass, not through one relationship, to gain colossal experience and spend a lot of time to find a relative soul. In order not to spend your precious time, we offer you 8 signs that you can understand that the man does not suit you.

He is lying to you

No one argues that there is a lie to salvation, but now it's not about that. The situation was taken into account when a man was caught on a lie, which is poorly reflected in relations and loses confidence from the woman. Psychologists advise the first lie to forgive - we are all people and once mistaken - but if the second chance turned out to be the same as unsuccessful, then with such a man you need to say apart once and for all. But at the same time it is worth dealing with the causes of male lies. Like children, a strong floor can lie only because it is worth saying everything as it is, and a woman begins to cut a man. To protect your nervous system, it is easier for them to lift. If there are no grounds for lies - this is another matter.

You act as a Savior

If a woman, instead of being for a man's muse, to fulfill his exclusively female role, pulls out the beloved from different places and dubious companies if she is trying to cover his debts and cure from alcoholism and gambling - this man is definitely not for her. At a minimum, in such respects, the lady will soon begin to degrade, and no normal safe family will not succeed.

But there are two categories of women who are deliberately imagined into such relations, they are purposefully looking for weak and dependent men. Some to assertize their account, while others are simply used to pull the strap of all responsibility from the very childhood. It's wrong, when a woman is responsible for everything in the family, but if he intends to endure it, then it gets what he deserved - they are created for each other.

You are standing at him in the first place

Immediately a small reservation - the situations where a man constantly disappears at work, is in affairs and earns a family well - not in the expense. It is quite normal that it acts as a minider and he does not have enough time for his woman. We are talking about those whom almost never happens at home, but at the same time no longer becomes more - it hangs around the clubs, bars, gym, with friends and generally everywhere, not with your beloved woman. In this case, the priorities of a man are placed so that the baryrs and the horizon are not visible.

No matter how much you wanted to think differently - such Pete men register, and it will never change. A woman who wants to have a normal family, such a state of affairs, naturally, does not suit. The elimination of those ladies, whose childhood has developed a misconception.

He communicates badly with service personnel.

Rarely, what a woman would like to have a rude, rude, rude, selfish and arrogant man in satellites. But it is precisely those that are those who are arrogant and neglect to service personnel, such as waiters in a restaurant. If there was no such appeal in your side - you should not decease, it takes just a little time. At the beginning of the relationship, everyone showed their best features, they seek to like the partner, but as soon as the candidate and batch period ends, the partner is fully conquered, the true face of man is manifested.

Man is constantly dissatisfied

Constantly dissatisfied people as if they suck energy. It is not enough that regular whimper displays, so you can still "get infected". Constantly dissatisfied men weak, they have no goals, there is no desire to move forward and implement in the case. This is not a miner, followed by a woman to feel like a stone wall. But what is worse than everything - the unrealized male beginning and a sense of self-degradation against the background of other men can overcome the woman in time - to assert himself, the hands should go to the move.

All around against your relationship with him

If you love a man, but the surroundings say that you are not a couple - you should first listen to your heart and do not allow others to interfere. But if about the fact that the man does not suit the saying to those whose opinion is far away for you, it is worth listening to them more attentively. Love acts as anesthesia for common mind, and perhaps being in such a state you really do not notice the obvious?

If what opponents say are really supported by arguments and logic, then it is necessary to take it on arms and look at the chosen one for themselves. Does he really want to seem?

No love

If you treat the category of women who experience only emotions to men, no attention is not drawn, then it does not make any sense to be close to those who do not cause these emotions. If you evaluate men not only with your heart, but also your head, then look at how a man behaves, what he does and do not rush to break the relationship with him. Let there be no all-consuming passion between you, as I would like, it would be possible to present respect and comfort in terms of life - only on this relationship can hold out for a very long time.

Your relationship is too "dry"

A bright sociable and cheerful woman is unlikely to be able to endure the bore and constantly dissatisfied man. If in the relationship you seriously do not take out ease, humor and simplicity is a bad sign. If there are no serious problems in a pair, which would have overlapfully rejected - most likely, the man just does not fit you.

If some of these items are present in your relationship, psychologists still do not advise to do too categorically. If a partner except negative qualities, there are also positive, which are completely satisfied with it, it makes no sense to part, at least if there is no other option. Moreover, part of the minuses can always be eliminated, just talking to a partner and told about their discontent.

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