Disney Ladies and Uncle Rimus: 10 Disney characters with contradictory stories


Disney Ladies and Uncle Rimus: 10 Disney characters with contradictory stories 40233_1

Many consider Disney idealized, perfect family company. Their reputation is not stained, all Disney films are perfectly "licked", and there is nothing wrong with them. It seems to be perfect for family holidays. In fact, although today Walt Disney Pictures "politically correct" and impeccable reputation, if you look back to the company's history, you can find some really shocking things in her films.

1. Jessica Rabbit

So, first it is worth remembering the film "Who substituted Rabbit Roger" (1988) and his character Jessica Rabbit. Immediately it is worth notify that this is a great film, and a wonderful character, but Jessica Rabbit is a kind of antitz to what is trying to promote Disney. This is a superxecution animated character, which is married to ... Rabbit. But the main contradiction is not in this. In several frames of the film, interesting mistakes in the animation (with a character's clothing) were noticed, which led to the need to remake the first release. This character definitely deserves to be considered one of the most contradictory in Disney films.

2. Ravens in Dambo

The main crow in the cartoon name is Jim Crow. And for Americans, this is a sign name, because the "laws of Jim Crow" informally called laws on racial segregation in the United States in 1890 - 1964. It is not surprising that this has become almost synonymous with racism and an unequal attitude towards African Americans at the time (the cartoon was shot in 1941). Moreover, Jim Crowe was the only ravener voiced by an African-American voice. It is not surprising that various raven poles in the cartoon Many considered a hint of racial stereotypes of that time. This is shocking, especially in the disney film.

3. Siamese cats in "Lady and Tramp"

Already, it is unlikely that someone knows why Disney did not want to depict cats realistically, but he had obviously racist images of Siamese cats. The most famous example is, obviously, Siamese cats in Lady and Tramp (1955), where they are depicted as cunning villains. Their appearance corresponds to the stereotypical representation of Asians - curves are sharp teeth and small diagonal eyes. They even sing a song that has amazingly many racial stereotypes. It is only worth hoping that Disney will cut the scene with Siamese cats from the remix "Lady and Tramp."

4. Siamese cat in "cats of aristocrats"

Shun Gon in the cartoon "Cats Aristocrats" (1970) is another racist example of the Siamese cat at Disney. This character depicting a member of the gang, only an episodic role in the animation tape, which lies solely in a visual image of a joke about an Asian cat playing on a piano chopsticks.

5. Siamese cats in Chip and Dale rush to the rescue "

Disney studio obviously liked to depict Siamese cats with racist subtext. In the cartoon series "Chip and Dale rush to the rescue" (1989-1990), Siamese cats operating in a criminal organization appeared. From the first two examples, it is distinguished by the fact that the animation film was made in the early 1990s. If then it was possible to refer to the fact that "it was another time", now there is no excuse of racism, and the cats are depicted again as a villain.

6. Redhead

The attraction "Pirates of the Caribbean" in Disneyland has existed for 50 years. One day they made a scene in which pirates are sold at the auction of brides, among which the red-haired woman is especially distinguished. In recent years, there were a lot of disputes about this attraction, so in 2018, the red slave was replaced with a red-haired woman-pirate named Redd, which became the first woman-pirate in the attraction history. This decision was approved for the fact that in history there was indeed the famous redhead "pirate." Others believed that this was not the case, and that was removed by one of the last things, who personally created Walt Disney in Disneyland.

7. Indigenous Americans in Peter Pen

This is not so much Disney Wine as the root of the source material, on the basis of which he worked. From the very beginning, the story of Peter Pan was founded on the fact that the indigenous Americans (Indians) were depicted in a very impartial light. Such racism was shown in almost every adaptation of this children's classical play. Indians are shown as brutal and primitive people, especially compared to the White British children with which they are in contact. Naturally, in the Disney cartoon "Peter Peng" (1953), indigenous Americans are shown in exactly the same racist way.

8. Donald Duck

Everyone loves Donald Dacha and his extravagant antics, but today few people remember that Disney took off the cartoon about Donald Daca ("Der Fuehrer's Face"), where he dreamed that he was in Nazi Germany and works at a military factory. Moreover, this cartoon even won an Oscar as the best animated short film. It was one of the many Disney's propaganda films made during World War II to support the US government. However, due to the obvious controversial moments present in the short series, the cartoon was published publicly only after the war. In fact, there were other propaganda films made during the war, also in the lead role with Donald Duck, but this is the most famous.

9. Orange Bird

If someone visited the theme park "Magic Kingdom" at the resort of Walt Disney World in Florida during the first decade after its discovery, he probably saw this character. It is surprising, but the next contradiction has almost nothing to do with the real character, but is due to the fact that the birds were removed from Disney parks. The "Orange Bird" was a character created by Disney for the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) in exchange for a sponsorship transaction with Enchanted Tiki Room. The character looked like a bird with an orange instead of a head. He had so amazing success that he even began to write songs who performed Anita Bryant. Unfortunately, problems began here. Anita Bryant became an ardent counterpart of the anti-discrimination legislation of Florida, which defended homosexuality. This led to the FCC boycott, which then abandoned the "orange bird" due to the fact that it was associated with Bryant. As a result, the orange bird was removed from the magical kingdom in 1986. Then, in 2004, this character was again represented in Tokyo Disneyland.

10. Uncle Rimus

Most people do not even suspect the existence of this character and does not have the slightest concept, in which movie he appeared. It is shocking, because in almost every park of attractions, Disney has a giant attraction dedicated to the film ("Singing Mountain"), and one of the most famous songs disney all times ("Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah") from this film Just with these character. "South Song" - Disney Music film, who received an Oscar, which play both live actors and an animation is used. The plot is based on the "Fairy Tales of the Uncle of Rimas and depicts an African American man's uncle Rimus, who tells the lessons from the life of a white boy on the plantation. In the film it is unclear whether all this happens before or after slavery. And now for a minute ... Song "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah" about Nice and carefree, happy life ... which slaves sing.

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