8 errors that almost every hostess allow when cleaning


8 errors that almost every hostess allow when cleaning 40230_1

Cleaning is not the most pleasant lesson for which you want to allocate your precious time. But what is even more generally when the guidance of purity takes the whole day, and the result of the work is not happy. To get around such disappointments, you just need to try not to make the most common mistakes peculiar to many.

Water everywhere

It is not worthwhile to spill water throughout the apartment - firstly, if parquet or laminate was laid on the floor, it is dangerous for its integrity, secondly, on the upholstered furniture, high humidity may cause mold formation, and on metal elements with time Rust will appear. In the use of water, during cleaning, you need to remember about the measure, and even better - apply special detergents intended for different surfaces.

Liquidation of dust

Also a very common mistake made by many hostesses - wipe the dust with a dry cloth. Such cleaning leads to the fact that the dust is not removed, but scattered on other surfaces. Cleaning experts recommend replacing ordinary rags on the microfiber, which is typical of the dust and not giving it to spill. Similar characteristics have special brushes with a long pile.

First the vacuum cleaner and only then everything else

It will be a mistake to believe that if we spend the silence at the very beginning of cleaning, it will significantly reduce the time of guiding the purity. After all, then you will begin to wipe the dust, clean the furniture and other items and all the dirt will be poured on the floor, which will again have to clean. Thus, you encourage yourself for double cleaning and high time costs.

Bags for dust

Many hostesses sin the fact that the vacuum cleaner is not cleaning after each cleaning, but as it fills it. And it is necessary to clean it after each use, otherwise in the apartment will turn unpleasant amber, and the efficiency of the device will fall. The filled vacuum cleaner will cause only more dirt.

Polishing furniture when cleaning

Do you think the furniture should be polished as often as possible? If the furniture is modern, then it is not worth doing this. Modern headsets from the plant are covered with a special composition, which does not require constant polishing. Moreover, if you hardly rub the surface, you can damage this protective layer. The cleaning is better produced by a microfiber cloth moistened in a small amount of water.

Application of multiple cleaning products

Contrary to loud advertising slogans, more - does not mean better, and even more so it is not worth mixing in the process of several cleaning agents at once, in an attempt to achieve a storm effect. As experts assure, in some cases such actions can lead to dangerous consequences - this can happen at a mixture, for example, bleach, detergent and ammonia. First, evaporation of such a "cocktail" is very dangerous to health, and, secondly, this messenger will affect the surface cleaned.

Spraying means directly to the surface

Few of consumers read the instructions for the cleaner tool, so they immediately spray it on the cleaning surface and do not think about how it can turn. But as a result, the remedy forms a sticky layer on the surface, which will attract even more dust to itself. So that this does not happen, the remedy should be applied to the rag and only then remove the dirt.

Too rare cleaning

Even if there is no free minute in your graphics, it is still necessary to carve it on cleaning, so as not to be mired in tons of dust. If cleaning regularly, it will not take a lot of time, but it will not leave everything for later - a bad idea. If all the things taken after use put in place if you wash the plate immediately after the meal, the dust is wiped in a day - then the cleanliness will become a permanent tenant in your home. And finally, remember one truth: it is purely not where they clean, and where they do not sort.

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