6 habits that are destructive to the skin


6 habits that are destructive to the skin 40229_1

Naturally, any woman wants to properly care for their skin so that she looks great. But some of the daily familiar things, which do not even think about, can lead to an increase in damage. You need to follow your skin and know what habits need to be changed.

1. Do not wash before bedtime.

The desire to skip the evening washing is completely clear, especially after a long day. But the fact that the face is not visible on the face, does not mean that it is not there, and over time, the skin will "pay". "Dirt and fat accumulate and lead to inflammation and irritation," explains Joshua Tsaychner, a dermatologist from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.

It is necessary to use a gentle detergent with a moisturizing effect, such as glycerin or vegetable oils to keep the skin constantly moistened. And if the bathroom does not get to the bathroom, you need to sweat the face with wet wipes.

2. Smoking

Nicotine reduces blood flow to the skin, which leads to the fact that it does not receive a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients. And chemicals in tobacco damage collagen and elastin proteins, which give the skin an elastic structure. Smoker leather thin, dim, more wrinkled and less healing even after scratches.

In addition, the years of holding a cigarette in the lips and squinting the eyes so that they do not get smoke, can deepen wrinkles and lead to the emergence of new wrinkles in these places.

Although antioxidants, such as vitamins A and C, can alleviate some damage, the only correct solution is to quit smoking forever.

3. save on sunscreen or not to use them at all

The sunlight well affects the skin, but it has ultraviolet radiation that causes harm. Ultraviolet leads to both premature aging and skin cancer.

Protection is needed not only when you are going to the beach. The sun can damage the skin, even when it's cold or cloudy on the street.

A wide spectrum sunscreen blocks UVA and UVB rays and provides full protection. It is necessary to choose a cream at least with 30 SPF, and if they are on the street, then reuse it every 2 hours. As for the quantity, the approximately teaspoon of cream is enough for everything face, including hair line, area around the nose and under the chin.

4. Use a lot of sugar and little fruits and vegetables.

Some studies have shown that sugar rich diet can speed up the aging process. This applies to sweets, such as lollipops and ice cream, as well as starch in refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pasta. Diet harmless to skin should be focused on vegetables, fruits and whole grades.

Studies show that fresh fruits and vegetables can help prevent damage that can lead to skin aging. And the antioxidants contained in them can help restore the skin.

5. Wrong accepted

If a huge pimple appeared on her face, naturally, she wants him to go as soon as possible. If you squeeze it, it can lead to scars and infections.

Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are the two most common and efficient treatment methods. But it is worth keeping in mind that different products contain different amounts of these ingredients, and their maximum amount will not necessarily help better. Studies have shown that 2.5% of benzoyl peroxide is just as effective as 5% or 10%.

High concentrations of drugs can cause irritation, especially if the skin is sensitive. Doctors recommend 2.5% benzoyl peroxide product. As for salicylic acid, the concentration of 2% is quite mild for most people, but some may need a lower concentration.

6. Move the scales on the skin

Scales and bursaves are the first sign of dryness. According to doctors, if you pull up these interfering pieces of dead skin, it can actually destroy the barrier that bales moisture in the skin.

So with dryness it is better to deal with moisture. Lotions and creams with moisturizing means, such as glycerin, dimethicone, vaseline, as well as oils, such as cocoa and shea, quickly absorb and leave the skin smooth, but not fat.

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