What to say on a visit when the topics for conversations dried


What to say on a visit when the topics for conversations dried 40228_1

The conversation in the company usually proceeds by itself. Then sometimes you do not remember what fun was so fun, but everyone was misfortune. But there are moments when the people suddenly encourage and echoes ... And then, if you skillfully screw the right temko, it starts curious!

We decided to summarize the global experience of such jamps and crosses - and make a useful manual "If an angel flew behind the tea (a ment was born) - I urgently talk about it!" And watch the guaranteed universal hype!

But my pug ...

After healing the first piercing note of silence, look thoughtfully at the calendar with peels - and tell the people: "Come on, and my Matilda once in the country gone in the Dacot Mesh!" A similar message wonderfully launches a chain reaction, during which the Basset clings to the poirus, the cat behind the mouse - and all this zoosad is noisy and saves polyethylene and cactus, hunts on hamsters and former husbands, turns over the Christmas trees and prints his test "FuseproLC" in the reports ... In general, one unfortunate dead lock is enough for a catalyst for a pair of zoological dissertations and the evenings of the Yunnists.

The hostess on the note: firstly, the quotes and cortiers are important in the phone show. Secondly, if you do not have a cat (by the way, why don't you have a cat?!), I don't have a mercy of those present that the fish actually noise at night when Gammarus chew.

Baby, kids


Did the cats have been exhausted, did the dogs confused? And we have in stock there are other living beings! You can face endlessly on how the fire burns, water flows and others work - and infinitely talk about human young. They are somewhat similar to inhuman: they also catch the flies and train others, have dwelled gastronomic addictions, are able to hide in the gap between the two bedside tables and qualitatively swaying the forty square meters of any substance that fell under limb. But they are cooler: they talk! Retelling will take you for a long time, if not forever. Yes, in the phone they also have, do not forget.

That the Lenka has a chuck

Oh, the crossing of the bones is an ancient sacral process, which was entertained by the bored guests at the courtyard of Hammurapi! The game is simple as doors. Point number Times: I remember the general acquaintance, I did not kill our society to our own presence. Point number Two: Run the ball about his life. And we learn a bunch of the news of culture about everything and everyone, from the last boyfriend of Nadka - before the kolobkov, it turns out that the institute twisted with Lisitsyna! And who will say now: "Fu, here I have never recently not gossiping," let him fit to the mirror and look at his nose. We argue, increased? ;)

Vanity Fair

The author of the line once fell ill and hurt - and the question "what you think" in Jewish answered Facebook a question. "Crarades, and write, pliz, something good?" 90% of respondents told: "And I have ...", "And today ..." Grand Prix of the Wizard of Consolation received a comment: "And I sit in the sauna!" Try to run a similar piece in the company - and watch the mass breakdown of the tails! By the way, if the Note-to-NEXT OSLO is coming, which will be hot, that there is nothing good in addition to Tlen, and tell me how he fell under the ice yesterday, and twenty years ago on the exam, he successfully sends the composition.

Sherlock our all!


Fertile soil - serials. Live discussions bloom on this soil, what a Tyrion pupsik, who is meant - Sheldon or Sherlock, sweet memories of the acts of maniacs and adventures of the dead. An option for a deducted in serial development is intellectually twisted: "Here in our time! .." Remove who is to whom the monastery, José Ignacio and Sisi Capwell is generally a rusty and non-spammer!

Walking demotivators

An excellent topic is to fool into the smartphone in the chair, and when you begin to pull out you with an indignant: "Return to line!" - to issue freshly jokes about the lazy husband or a cleaner from Gazprom. The conversation of the mouths turns into a beautifully elastic facebursband ribbon of the Mebius. Everyone feels in the usual environment, the air is sparkled and Emodi in the air.

Century Holyvar


In fact, there is an eternal engine in the world. And he is simple as three rubles with runs, and he is called srach. Sophisticated topics in the world, as the eternal plots in the literature, are somewhat, and they are as immortal. Record: "There is a friendship between a man and a woman"; "Is it possible to breastfeed in privacy"; "There is or not eat meat"; "Are you for or against gay parades?"; "How to be Europeans with refugees" ... well, this is already enough for the whole season for many winter evenings at least. Do not holivariya on these topics is capable of a blind snap-free snail.

Bazaar for dedicated

Choto hit? You are in a hurry to help the Masonic Lodge of Programmers! In their speech, simple mortals will understand only pretexts and the chamoil - and good! It will be treated and makes the lyrics division into battle. Shout that this infernal discourse will fridge you! And causes sorry, sartrov reaction! On the way, on the topic of the Jungle model of psychoanalysis ... The evening will definitely cease to be languid!

Old-timers do not remember

A really difficult case - if your company is already half a century, and you already know every crack on the pope of each of the grandchildren of each member of the flock, managed to shoot and bury five generations of quotes, they know all the maritous and pinching friend's friend ...

What to say? Start, friends! It remains ... Yes, she. Great, mighty and sacred weather. The thing that every day gives us new impressions and endless reasons with pleasure, who is disturbed to sweep away from scratch. But the main thing in communication is not at all exchange of information. Namely, this is a pleasure and this me. The weather is like meditation. It is like a cozy silence and mutual understanding with a third of the word. By the way, you noticed what kind of pigotine now on the yard is going on, eh?! I do not remember that someday at this time like this - and here again! ..

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