15 things from which no girl will refuse



A man is a subtle creature. Hints, as established by scientists, does not understand. Sometimes even "dear, the shelf, please" is too blurred for him and too variatively. But this is how to rightly take and tell him in his courageous face: "I need you to praise my new eyebrow shape, because otherwise the day is lost in vain, not to mention the best years," it's somehow ... not Fengshuino.

But you can print this text and give it to the signature! Like, it's not mine, cat, whim. This is the world, amigo, trend. If only it would come to a gentleman: the ice fables are not feeding about their own twist! And feed them with chocolates, compulsion - and yes, flowers.

1. Compliments

"No, well, what to praise you, you always have beauty" - this is a complete failure and fatal resident error. You can only wash off with blood, and that is not a fact. Remember, and better write, Comrade Man: Today your beloved is especially beautiful. And she so uncommonly goes this scarf. As always - and more than ever! And no, no fig is not meant by itself.

I understand everything, sympathize and condemn: if a cute repainted from the dark caramel in a warm chestnut, fix it is capable only a hypersensitive and a super-fast device ... by some noble husband is never. But it is really not to notice a red dress with a deep neckline, a slimming for three kilos, fresh manicure or traces from tears on your favorite eyes are you, buddy, just a racer. Not in the sense of "Formula 1", but in the sense of demon. Skoning. Show attention. You will be superman.

3. Flowers

What, you say, she herself, his beautiful mouth reported to you four and a half years ago, what to buy chrysanthemums - is it a waste of money? Forget. It's embarrassed it awkwardly. Sdura. And you are no longer a student. Go, take and carry. And look at the expression of her eye. No, in the world somewhere there are eco-lamen, which are completely not melted from the pretty, with the taste of the selected bouquet "just so". But they are listed in the Red Book. And plants from your bouquet, we hope not.

4. Massage

Well, that, that courses did not finish. (By the way, but I would not hurt: confidently skillful kneading even just hooded muscles, even through a sweater, with gentle: "Tired? Relax, now it will be ..." - Creating wonders! The transition from the stage of friendship makes it possible if a person facilitates To stroke here and in-of-from here before bedtime, without anything particularly obliging you, you will thank you hundred pounds. Again, there are practically no anti-kinestics, which are practically not allowed to doily meet and among gentle creatures. But they are less and less on the planet. Because they die for a reasonable reason.

5. Romance planned

To you planned. Yes, sir, we are about you. And not so that: girl is looking for tickets; The girl is paranicated with a nanny for the weekend; Guglit girl, whether this terrace has opened in early November; The girl swears over the booked places ... And you proudly enjoy the fact that I agreed to give her a piece of romance.

6. Partnership in Affairs


Not in the sense that everything should be exactly the fifty fifty: from the account in the restaurant on the second date to half the wardrobe with an accuracy of centimeter. Just offer her to share emerging cases, falling problems formed by classes. She may cope with everything. And somewhere, it is even easier for her. But do not remove, well? Separate her care - and conquer over its heart muscle.

7. Commons performed

If you throw something: "Tomorrow in the morning I will buy that garbage and her suddenness here" - and you will do it tomorrow and precisely in the morning (and that, and it is here!), She will never forget you. She will tell you the great-grandmothers. You will enter a story, brother.

8. Exemption from the concern

Well, suppose you have since since the division of labor. Well, the okay, she washes the dishes three times a day and says that she even likes it (it is unconvincingly trying to look something cheerful), and you bring salary. But for the sake of diversity, take it on Sunday. It will be a holiday. For both. You will also be well later, honestly.

9. Out of children


Even when you just hold the baby in your arms, you are already semi-born. And when you joke in a joke with the baby, you drag a descendant on the neck, convincingly depict the horse, you launch the locomotives and ships - you are simply inhumanly divine. You are steeper Apollo, Zeus and Zarathustra, combined.

10. Letter

Send a postcard with a couple of words about how you missed you all day in this endless day business trip. Write an SMS-ku with a question, did it successfully got and how she feels. Send a mail with an unexpected message that you wish her not weaker at this work no one than five years and three days ago, when I first took her hand. It is free - and no worse diamond.

11. Recognition

She is smart girl, and very restraining, so as not to stick in a gust of despair: "Do you love me actually?!" But you too, too, the boy is not the most stupid, eh? Tell her that you love her. What you said once two and a half years ago was two and a half years ago. How to explain to you ... Well, two and a half years ago you ate Beefsteks. It does not mean that you will never want it anymore? Forget you are the phrase "by itself." There is no it in feelings, like no water in Bifhtex.

12. Conversation


A petty misunderstanding, followed by irritably-dry: "Come on, we drove" and tired-nervous: "Well, do not start, the radiboga!" - It has much deeper consequences than a non-smoke, for which followed: "You know, we are then rooted with you, let's decide and we will not be more."

13. Apologies

Even if it seems to you that your young life will now break down under the blow of this toaster, spend the last two seconds of your life on the penette: "Forgive me, I was wrong." And - about a miracle! - You will live for a long time and happily, and the great-grandfathers are guaranteed.

14. Shoes

No, there are no "too much". No, you will not be able to free the place for the car. No, if you go on them the Holy War, you can lose. In the end, you are not so long trying - and perhaps even, you are not so ideal for size. Not to mention how well your shade is suitable for that sewer. So it is better to at least bypass this area of ​​life. And you'll get the courage to beat, encourage and finance - the homeland in her face will not forget.

15. Chocolate

We will not paint this item. Just try to do it. Yes, this is so primitive. Buy a chocolate tile. What she loves - dairy, black, with nuts or with algae - you must remember, we believe in you. Just put her in his palm. You will see everything.

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