Ten steps of New Year's despair, or how to do cute gifts


In the past two weeks of the Old Year, every man in the civilized world is facing a terrible dilemma: what to give a beloved woman for the holidays. And this is a hopeless situation.

Because, whatever you do, dear will not be able to guess. All year you accumulated love capital, led himself well, rendered small and large services, showed exceptional manners and tenderness exactly to spoil everything for the new year and once again demonstrate that in fact you are tactless and insensitive cattle.

Step 1. "What do you give for the New Year?"

We know for sure that there are women who are capable of directly and honestly to answer the above question. "Give me a new gelendvagen", for example. Or "Star from the sky." At the very least, we believe that such clean souls exist. But most women influence the sponge kisses and will say: "You don't think about me at all." Or "What, you can't guess?" We suspect that they do it specifically to leave themselves freedom of maneuver and present you a claim right under the New Year Christmas tree. And even better - from the hangover of January first. Oh yes, in the morning of January first, women are merciless.

Step 2. "Something useful"

You start thinking about something useful - such that might ease her life. Suppose a food processor. Or dishwasher. Or a new vacuum cleaner. Or gorgeous, exceptional quality is a very useful cast iron pylon for steaks. Stop! Forget! Treat injuries applied with a cast-iron pan is hard and painfully. Even more painful to remove the vacuum cleaner from the man, which a woman shoved in him entirely. Gifts that facilitate homework are offensive to the latest. Do not ask why, just remember.

Step 3. "Something necessary"

Oh, she needs new glasses! Beautiful and expensive, and comfortable so that they can be played in sports and read smart books. Or boots. Or dumbbells, she loves fitness. Well, specifically, glasses, unlike dumbbells, are good because they are difficult to apply a serious physical injury. But they will be accepted with very acidic mine: all such pieces should be entered in advance on your budget and are presented separately from the new year. And on the holiday you need to give anything cute, personal, from the soul and very pleasant. We repeat: Points are not a cute and not personal, and let them at least 10 times from the soul, they will be perceived as an attempt to save on the need. As crutch chrome, yeah.

Step 4. "Something sexy"

Proud of what you know all the sizes of your wife and disassemble in the underwear, you go to some brand store to buy a cute amazing belt for stockings, panties in the form of two twisted ropes and some kind of hellish porn bra. From the bottom of my heart we advise you to leave this idea and do not even cross the threshold of the lurking department. Just she will say, squinting slightly: "Cute, and who you bought it all?" And there will be right, by the way: sexy lingerie and a stocking belt are something that is honey, with a good scenario, will buy yourself to give you what she considers "unforgettable night." But as a gift to her, your triangles definitely did not fall: it will go to work or in the gym in extensive cotton cowards in the flower. Well, well, maybe not in extensive, but for sure in seamless.

Step 5. "Something is very sexy"

In the fit of despair, you will try to go to the sex shop. It is a bad idea. They say good sex shops with cute saleswomen and vendors and a normal range exist. But where to look for them? The ordinary sex shop is, as a rule, a kiosk from a steel corrugation, which smells like a cheap vinyl and cheap tires, fucked by monstrous swabs, incredibly ugly inflatable dolls and erotic linen, which only on these cunes and put on. Visitors, mostly, or puberty giggling schoolchildren, or fresher sexy maniacs. Yes, and the saleswoman settled on this job straight from Selpo. Not to mention that a gift from sex shop will also be recognized as a gift for himself, not a beloved.

Step 6. "Cute nonsense, useless souvenir"

We are familiar with one person who presented a young wife for the new year electric candlestick with a heart lamp. We were condoled to this man and silently drank him. With the same success, he could give his wife a rolling pin. Senseless and cute gifts, symbolizing love are insufficient work on themselves, something offensive and always cause for a scandal.

Step 7. "Final bottom: Gift Card"

Probably there are women who love gift cards. Probably even gift cards for 250 rubles, which to the eighth of March and the new year appear at the Cassas of Ashan, deliver the joy to some women. Probably, green elephants also exist somewhere. But most often girls hate gift cards. This is typical shifting of responsibility, an attempt to get rid of the need to choose and headaches. That is too lazy. Do you understand? Do you know that adult women do with lazy boys? And God forbid you know.

Step 8. "Something warm"

Winter in the yard, and nice frowns. Therefore, it is necessary to buy her some awesome sweater to the knees with deer. Or, for example, a thick woolen hutsulsky plaid. Exceptionally reasonable and warm love logic. It is a pity that no woman in the light of such logic will understand. Well, except for the saints, of course. The saints understand everything (but it does not mean that they at least like something). Something warm, boyfriend is a fur coat. Not from mutona, friend, no.

Step 9. "Kratartov"

That is, a gold ring with a carat diamond. In principle, this is an unmistakable version, only incredible, painfully dear; You have already paid the New Year Prize, right? The problem is only that you do not remember, loves cute white gold or red? Classic design, modern or avant-garde? Or Ar Deco? Do you generally know what Art Deco is? In short, it is difficult to believe in it, but the "wrong" ring with a truly large diamond can also fly to your face.

Step 10. Kitty

This is actually your last chance. Give a cute for the new year of the cat. Take it with us, we distribute every week of the cats. This will sharply increase the degrees of Mi-Mi in your family and it will not be able to refuse. And you can't throw a cat in you. And even if she climbs into you a cat, then the cat will definitely definitely. We checked ;-)

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